The Conclusion of the Council of Jewish Leaders

February 28, 2024

The European Jewish Association is pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the Council of Jewish Leaders in Rome. Our primary objective on Monday was to convene leaders from diverse Jewish communities to address the pressing challenge of increasing anti-Semitism.

Discussions revolved around the efforts of each community, bolstering security measures, and sharing valuable insights. This gathering held significant importance as we came together to confront this alarming trend. Distinguished speakers and influential stakeholders contributed their expertise to these pivotal discussions.

On Tuesday, we wrapped up the round table discussions and had the privilege of visiting the senate, where we met with the President of the Senate. The Council of Jewish Leaders concluded with a visit to the Jewish Ghetto, further cementing our commitment to unity and solidarity.

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Une association juive outrée par la représentation de l'étoile jaune à la manifestation contre les règles corona

La European Jewish Association a réagi outrée dimanche à l’étoile jaune représentée sur l’une des bannières de manifestants participant à la marche organisée dimanche à Bruxelles contre les mesures sanitaires prises par le gouvernement pour endiguer la propagation du coronavirus. “Il est difficile de dire à quel point c’est une erreur“, a déclaré le rabbin Menachem Margolin, président de l’association.
J’ai du mal à voir la similitude entre le fait qu’on vous demande de vous faire vacciner pendant une pandémie, -ou d’en assumer les conséquences si vous ne le faites pas- et l’extermination systématique de six millions de Juifs dans des camps de la mort, des chambres à gaz ou dans des fosses communes à ciel ouvert“, a déclaré M. Margolin.

Newsletter infoRecevez chaque matin l’essentiel de l’actualité.

Cela me rend malade de penser que si peu de gens comprennent la douleur que de telles bannières provoquent, et que si peu de gens réalisent vraiment l’énormité et l’ampleur de l’Holocauste. À ceux qui ont défilé aujourd’hui avec une grande étoile jaune, je dis: ne faites pas ça. Peu importe ce que vous pensez des restrictions sanitaires, personne ne vous tatoue les bras, personne ne vous case dans des camions à bétail et personne ne veut que vous, votre famille et vos proches meurent. Tout d’abord, assurez-vous d’avoir les connaissances et de savoir ce que cette étoile jaune représente réellement“, a encore souligné le président de l’association

EJA in the Media January 2020- January 2021


German Football Association president urged to resign after Nazi remark

The remark triggered a storm of criticism and Keller has since apologized

German Football Association (DFB) president Fritz Keller faced calls to resign on Sunday after he sparked outrage by comparing his deputy to a Nazi judge.

Presidents of the DFB’s regional associations, which run Germany’s semi-professional and amateur leagues, announced after weekend crisis talks that Keller had lost a vote of confidence and has been “asked to step down from his position.”

DFB general secretary Friedrich Curtius was likewise asked to vacate his role after losing a confidence vote.

The turmoil comes after Keller in a recent meeting likened DFB vice-president Rainer Koch to Roland Freisler, the infamous head of the Nazi party’s court in the 1940s.

Freisler was also a participant at 1942’s Wannsee Conference, where it was decided that 11 million Jews should be exterminated.

The remark triggered a storm of criticism and Keller has since apologized to Koch, acknowledging that his words were “totally inappropriate, notably towards the victims of Nazism.”

Keller ruled out stepping down over the incident, however. Koch has not said that he has accepted the apology.

In a statement, the leaders of the DFB’s five regional and 21 state associations called Keller’s Nazi reference “completely unacceptable” and said they condemned it “in the strongest possible terms.”

“The president’s comments are incompatible with the principles and values of the associations,” they added.

According to the statement, Keller and Curtius have asked for time to consider the resignation requests.

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A special message for Shavuot from Chief Rabbi Jacobs.

Shavuot starts on Thursday evening. For those of you lucky enough to understand dutch, we are pleased to share with you this deeply inspiring message from our esteemed EJA Board Member, Chief Rabbi Jacobs from the Netherlands, for those of you that don’t, we had it translated for you. Wishing you all a Blessed and Happy Shavuot Holiday.
Chief Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs shares his vision in these complicated times from the synagogue in Amersfoort.
Judaism has many traditions and laws.
But there is one law that remarkably doesn’t fall under the 613 commands and prohibitions.
It just doesn’t exist and that is the prohibition on being depressed.
What I mean is there are people that see everything darkly. They see everything in a negative way and don’t look for the positives. They always focus on the negative side. So why is there no law against this?
The answer to that question is, being depressed is not a violation but it stands higher (or lower) in a way than a regular law. Because it leads to the biggest of violations.
This perspective looks at everything that can go wrong. It’s like only looking at the negative potential side-effects of medicines and forgeting that the purpose of the medicine is to cure.
Such a way of life is not only one violation but is also the root for a lot of misery in mental health.
And because body and mind are connected, it also has effects on your body.
A negative and depressed attitude is a source of misery, mental and physical.
I wrote a column once about a tightrope walker. A tightrope walker shouldn’t look only upwards and blindly trust in the Eternal that all ‘it will be alright.‘ But equally only to look down into the abyss is not good.
There is a happy medium. A balance between up and down. Otherwise the tightrope walker will never make it to the other side.
In a way we are all tightrope walkers. All the time we need to find a balance between the Eternal and the fact that there is indeed an abyss.
Another point: A man grows up in the jungle. He knows nothing of the civilised world.
His view never got further than the trees and the jungle. His jungle. This man gets lost and arrives in a city.
He looks at everything. He walks around surprised. He walks into the door of a big building into the hallway, walks up the stars and goes unto the balcony. Below him he sees a large room. In that room men and women walking around with face masks on. On the wall he sees tools, saws, drills and more intruments.
In the middle of the hall stands a high long table. On that table lies a white sheet. Under that sheet a human foot stick out. A nod is given, and some men and women start to cut into it.
Blood sprays out and our man from the Jungle passes out. He has never seen something so sadistic. Of course, he ended up in the operating room of a hospital. The person on the table, in the hospital bed, was sick and was being cured by the doctor and the nurses. Our man sees only the painful operation. He does not know the context that that the patient was sick and is being cured by this operation.
Life is like an operation. There is something before and something after. But if we only witness the operation then that’s the only thing we see. What there was before and what comes after, removes itself completely from our vision.
More than ever, today we all feel that we are undergoing an operation.
Is it a punishment? A reward? Meaningful? Meaningless? It’s always good to keep a mirror in front of yourself. But to firmly embed yourself into feelings of guilt, putting yourself into a depressed condition, that should never happen.
We cannot understand life like our man from the Jungle.
Serve G-d with joy. Are we able to do that? Or a better question: can I do that?
A parable is told of 2 strong cool guys (someone like me). Both are standing at the foot of a mountain. Both have an empty burlap sack on their shoulders. The contest can start.
The starting gun is fired and both guys need to, while climbing, fill their sacks with rocks.
After 3 hours they have a same amount of rocks in their sacks. Both climbed to the same height. But one is pale and cannot clime any higher.
The other is singing with joy and walks with big steps. How is this possible? That one is so heavily burdened but the other does not feel it? Both have the same health and strength. Both have the same amount of rocks in their sacks. But the guy that cannot climb a single step further thinks he is carrying kilos of stupid rocks. The more rocks he is collecting, it gets heavier and heavier.
His buddy knows that it is not just rocks. Its precious stones and diamonds. The more diamonds he gets into his sack, the lighter and lighter it gets.
How do I choose to look at all the things that I am enduring in my life?
When I’m speaking to a lot of people as a rabbi, I learn a lot. People are in situations that are heavier than mine. But they take every load as a diamond. I learn from their strength and self-control.
They hold a mirror in front of me.
That is Judaism.
To learn from someone else.
And it’s also Judaism to see the heavy load not as it is.
It’s also Judaism that when you notice an unexpected a shortcoming in someone else, you are aware that it also can be present in you.
If you did not know that this shortcoming was what it is, you would not recognize it in yourself.
And at the same time, alertness.
Alertness of the rise in antisemitism that is far from vanished and vanquished.
Our minister of Justice and Security is also Minister of Worship.
And when I spoke to him about restarting our worship, he warned me about the lone wolf.
Especially during the pandemic. But it is also, alertness to the physical rules that should protect us against that terrible virus.
When we can go to shul, the church or the mosque, we shouldn’t just trust that everything will come from above.
Because when that tightrope walker only looks up, he won’t make it.
On Thursday we start the holiday of Shavuot. The Jewish people stood as one at the foot of the Sinai to receive the 10 commandments, the 613 mitzvot and the Torah in its totality.
They saw G-d. There was something in common and that brought them together. There was unanimity. For division, fights and tensions there was no room.
In this time of Coronavirus, it is not only the Jewish people that have something in common, but the whole of humanity: a common enemy. From it we should liberate ourselves. But it’s an enemy of everyone, without any form of discrimination.
Let us pray that that enemy will be beaten in our days, exterminated and that the unanimity that the virus has made, will stay.
May there be speedily in our days eternal shalom – peace – for the whole of humanity, real peace for everyone.
You can hear the words of Rabbi Jacobs in dutch HERE

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