With war in Gaza and Europe-wide Antisemitism peak, Jews bring president Von der Leyen and other friends in Brussels to ‘shine together’ on Channukah

December 7, 2023

“Defiant and hopeful, just as we have always been,” says organisers of EU event after traumatic few months. Chanukah is first significant Jewish holiday since events on October 7th.

(Brussels 7 December 2023) European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen and other European Dignitaries will be at EuroChannukah 2023, taking place between the European Council and Commission buildings at Schuman in Brussels, Belgium on Sunday evening. The Commission President will light a giant Menorah marking the Jewish Holiday of Chanukah – the festival of light.

The theme of EuroChannukah this year, which takes place in the heart of the European Quarter, is ‘Shining Together’.

Chanukkah this year takes place against the backdrop of huge spikes in antisemitism and is the first major Jewish holiday following the Hamas Massacre in Israel and subsequent war in Gaza. The organisers, the European Jewish Community Center , say that it is a showcase for unity and resilience in difficult times.

Avi Tawil, Director of the European Jewish Community Centre, speaking ahead of the event said,

“We were concerned that this year, we would hear from communities across Europe that they were scaling down Chanukah celebrations, hiding away, keeping their heads down. In fact, the opposite is true, now more than ever, the desire is to come out and celebrate the holiday. To Shine together.

“Chanukah, at its core, is a holiday about light overcoming darkness, that good can and will always prevail. Our friends, like Commission President Vpn Der Leyen, are standing with us in solidarity, in a common bond, and in this spirit of unity and resilience.

“It’s been an awful few months. But Jews are defiant in the face of darkness, and always hopeful in the light, just as we have always been, and especially during Chanukkah.”


Additional Articles

The delegation of Jewish leaders of EJA

The delegation of Jewish leaders of EJA was excited to meet today as part of the solidarity visit to Israel Shira and Moshe, the parents of the late hero Aner Shapira, who on October 7 pushed 7 grenades thrown by Hamas terrorists into the bunker where they were hiding near Kibbutz Reim, calmly commanded the event and saved 11 Israelis. The leaders also met Jacob, Elkana’s brother who was kidnapped to Gaza and since then the family has had no information about him. The head of the delegation, the president of the Consistory in Paris Dr. Yoel Margi and the chairman of EJA, Rabbi Menachem Margolin announced a grant to support the family of abductees and gave to the new rehabilitation center of The Hadassah Mount Scopus is a hydraulic medical accessory that will speed up the healing procedures of the patients.

Open brief aan de federale onderhandelaars,

Brussel, 27 januari 2025 – In een open brief hebben vooraanstaande Joodse verenigingen en de Belgische Liga tegen het antisemitisme zich gericht tot de leiders van de Arizona coalitie.

De brief, ondertekend door de European Jewish Association (EJA), Ligue belge contre l’antisémitisme (LBCA), en het Joods Informatie- en Documentatiecentrum (JID), legt belangrijke zorgen van de Joodse gemeenschap voor die zij hopen geadresseerd te zien in het nieuwe regeerakkoord. Er wordt naast de brief ook een omvangrijke online communicatiecampagne gelanceerd om de actie in de verf te zetten en om burgers te betrekken bij het initiatief.

  1. Verhoogde Veiligheid

De brief benadrukt de noodzaak voor verhoogde veiligheidsmaatregelen voor Joodse instellingen, gezien het verhoogde risico op aanvallen zoals vastgesteld door het OCAD. Er wordt gepleit voor zowel tijdelijke als structurele versterkingen, die nodig zijn om de veiligheid van de Joodse gemeenschap te garanderen. Er wordt voorgesteld een veiligheidsadviseur op federaal niveau aan te stellen om deze zaken te coördineren.

  1. Bestrijding van Jodenhaat

De brief roept op tot de aanstelling van een speciale gezant ter bestrijding van antisemitisme, een initiatief dat al door diverse Europese landen is overgenomen. Deze coördinator zou verantwoordelijk zijn voor het monitoren van antisemitisme en het ontwikkelen van strategieën tegen deze groeiende dreiging, vooral gezien de verontrustende toename van antisemitische incidenten in België.

  1. Vrijheid van Geloof

Als Europa verder seculariseert, onderstreept de brief het belang van het erkennen en beschermen van religieuze vrijheden. De Joodse gemeenschap vraagt om garanties dat hun recht op vrijheid van geloof gerespecteerd en beschermd blijft, en benadrukt het belang van een constructieve dialoog over gevoelige kwesties.

De oproep aan de nieuwe regering is duidelijk: neem de zorgen van de Joodse gemeenschap serieus en integreer hun behoeften in het beleid. De brief sluit af met een uitnodiging voor een partnerschap, in de hoop dat de Joodse gemeenschap, ondanks de tragedies van het verleden, een dynamische toekomst tegemoet kan gaan.

De partijvoorzitters van de Arizona coalitie zijn nu aan zet om te reageren op deze oproep tot actie, en om te laten zien dat België de waarde en bijdragen van haar Joodse burgers erkent en beschermt.

Download de brief ook als PDF


Press Release concerning the latest antisemitic attacks in Croatia and Greece

The European Jewish Association (EJA) is appalled by the latest Antisemitism
incidents that took place in Croatia and in Greece, only a few days after the
unspeakable massacre against innocent civilians committed by Hamas in Israel. In
Split, Croatia’s 2nd largest city, a graffiti “Juden Raus” adorned with the “U” from the
WW2 fascist Ustasa regime that killed and deported thousands of Jews made its
appearance. In Thessaloniki, Greece’s 2nd largest city as well, the Holocaust memorial
mural at the main train station was desecrated with the inscriptions “Jews=Nazi” and
“Free Gaza”. Furthermore, a Jewish store was attacked, causing luckily only material

Commenting on the incidents in Croatia, EJA Managing Director Jorgos Papadakis
said: “It is hard to comprehend these acts of hatred against Jews in Europe. We have
been in Croatia two weeks ago, organized an international conference in Zagreb and
paid tribute to the thousands who perished at the notorious Jasenovac Death Camp.
We praised the country’s IHRA Chairmanship and the efforts made to eradicate
antisemitism. This is why it is surprising that we heard no words of condemnation from
the government. Using the exact same words the Nazis used before eventually leading
millions of Jews to their death cannot be perceived even as a bad joke.”, Papadakis
stressed out.

On Greece, Papadakis added: “As a Greek, I cannot even begin to comprehend such
acts of violence and hate in a city that lost almost its entire Jewish population, more
than 50 thousand souls, during the Holocaust. The authorities must send a strong
message by condemning this barbarism and bringing the culprits in front of justice.
Anything else would not be acceptable.”


Chief of European Jewish Association says Major EU Conference on Shechitah is “Too Little but not Too Late.”

Chief of European Jewish Association says Major EU Conference on Shechitah is “Too Little but not Too Late.”

The European Jewish Association were participants at a major gathering in Brussels of Jewish leaders, civil society leaders, jurists, politicians and special envoys at European Commission Headquarters today. 2022

Chairman of the European Jewish Association, Rabbi Menachem Margolin, said in a statement:

“The Conference held today by the European Commission is too little but not too late.

“We are proud to be the Jewish voice of Europe and to fight on issues that some regard as unpopular.

“We thank the Commission for agreeing to our repeated pleas and finally addressing the issue of Freedom of Religion in Europe, in this case on Religious Slaughter. It is a much-needed step in the right direction.

“However, today’s conference must not give anyone the feeling that the issue can be marked with a tick or glossed over with well-meaning words.

“We expect, going forwards, that the European Commission will make every effort to secure the support of all European governments for legislation that would enshrine the issue of religious freedom in law to ensure the continued existence of Jewish life in Europe.

“Make no mistake, the issue of the Freedom of Religion, whilst not grabbing the headlines that antisemitism does, is every bit as important. Because without this freedom to practice, and to live a Jewish life, there can be no Jewish future in Europe.

“We stand today at a crossroads, whilst conferences like this are too little, they are a reminder that it is not too late to go in the right direction.”

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