16th Generation Descendant of Amsterdam’s Founding Rabbi Reflects on Family Legacy and Dutch Heritage

March 1, 2024

In 1602, Rabbi Moses Uri Halevi left Germany for Amsterdam, becoming the founder of the Portuguese Jewish Community of Amsterdam and its first Chief Rabbi. He is my great great grandfather. Since then, for 15 generations, my family have been active contributors to both the Jewish community and Dutch society, shaping the fabric of Amsterdam and The Netherlands.

My children, four daughters and a son, represent the 16th generation. Currently sheltered in the safety of their school environment, they are somewhat shielded from the broader world. But as they grow older, walk the streets, become more aware of their surroundings, and read the news, I sincerely hope that they will be able to embrace their Amsterdam and Dutch heritage as strongly and proudly as the 15 generations before them.

Today, during a conversation with His Royal Highness King Willem Alexander and Her Royal Highness Queen Maxima, hosted by the Mayor of Amsterdam, Mrs. Femke Halsema, this was the reflection I shared.

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Joodse studenten/docenten in academisch Nederland (vogel)vrij?!

Onze columnist Bas Belder had een gesprek met Ethan Gabriel Bergman van de Universiteit Maastricht over het Nederlandse academische klimaat voor Joodse studenten en docenten. “Als je je baan wilt behouden, zeg dan niet dat je Joods bent en Israël steunt.” Het dringende advies van een universitaire docent aan zijn Joodse collega.


Aan welke manifestaties van Jodenhaat én Israëlhaat stond/staat u bloot als student aan de Universiteit van Maastricht?


Bergman: Of we dat nu willen of niet, wij worden als Joodse studenten altijd aan Israël gekoppeld. De Joodse studentengemeenschap walgt van het faciliteren van puur eenzijdige anti-Israël evenementen binnen de universiteit. Dat gebeurde bijvoorbeeld bij de rechtenfaculteit in Maastricht tijdens een sessie over “Palestijnse vrouwen in de strijd voor vrijheid – Toen en Nu”. De discussie draaide louter om de ontkenning van Israëls bestaansrecht.


In plaats van ons te verliezen in zulke kansloze debatten, geven wij als Joodse studenten nu prioriteit aan eigen manifestaties in plaats van ons steeds opnieuw tegen haatcampagnes te moeten keren.


Met de groeiende desinformatie over Israël voelen Joodse studenten zich op de campus alleen maar onveiliger. Welke uitbarstingen van emoties ook loskomen jegens Israël, Europese Joden worden daar steevast het slachtoffer van als medeschuldigen. Zie de toename van het antisemitisme in Europa in mei tijdens de terreuraanvallen van Hamas op de Joodse staat.


Op onze universiteit opereert Free Palestine Maastricht onder de noemer dat de organisatie voor “vrijheid van meningsuiting” staat. De universiteit gaat hiermee akkoord. Deze beweging is evenwel evident antisemitisch door de demonisering en delegitimering van Israël en het hanteren van dubbele standaarden jegens de Joodse staat. Free Palestine Maastricht verkoopt haar antisemitisme onder de noemer van “vrijheid van spreken over Palestina”, een ‘recht’ dat “zionisten” wensen in te perken.


Een poging van onze zijde om als Joodse studenten in gesprek te komen met Free Palestine Maastricht mislukte. Wij werden gebrandmerkt als “zionisten die de Joden niet vertegenwoordigen”.


Als Joodse studenten willen deelnemen aan een solidariteitsbijeenkomst met het zwaar vervolgde moslimvolk van de Oeigoeren in China, vangen zij bot. Een Davidsster naast de Oeigoerse maansikkel op een banier kan absoluut niet volgens een zeer activistische hoogleraar. Die davidsster staat volgens de professor “symbool voor genocidale intenties”, daarmee trek je zijns inziens “geen linkse mensen en moslims bij de protesten aan”.


Nog nare persoonlijke ervaringen qua antisemitische uitingen?


Bergman: Het heeft niet rechtstreeks betrekking op de universiteit, maar de deur van mijn appartement moest het tijdens carnaval 2021 ontgelden. De mezoeza was op de grond gesmeten en er was een swastika in de deur gekerfd. Interessant genoeg verenigde dit incident de Joodse studentengemeenschap voor een poosje, totdat we opnieuw onze maskers moesten opzetten tijdens het weer oplaaien van het conflict tussen Israël en Hamas. Twee weken lang werden wij als Joodse studenten bedreigd door medestudenten. Uiteindelijk deed een Joodse studente haar beklag bij de decaan. “Ze had er om gevraagd”, kreeg ze eventjes te horen. Gedemoraliseerd is deze studente omwille van haar persoonlijke veiligheid gestopt in Maastricht. Weer andere Joodse studenten werden gestalkt. Ik kreeg zelf maandenlang anonieme dreigtelefoontjes.


Met dit alles in het achterhoofd, wil ik samen met andere Joodse studenten werken aan een betere toekomst. Wij willen die verschrikkelijke periode achter ons laten waarin onze eigen hoogleraren brieven ondertekenden die opriepen tot een academische en economische boycot van Israël in Nederland. Dat zelfs de meesten van mijn professoren daaraan meededen, heeft de Joodse gemeenschap ernstig geschokt. Ook het feit dat een groot aantal hoogleraren een BDS-brief ondertekenden, vervreemde hen van Joodse studenten.


Tot vorig jaar ontbrak de Internationale Gedenkdag van de Holocaust op de universitaire kalender van Maastricht. Die was vervangen door “Chocolate Cake Day”. Bovendien vormden officiële Joodse feestdagen tot op dit jaar geen geldige reden om uitstel van een deadline of een examen te verlenen.


Hoeveel van uw medestudenten in Maastricht zijn eigenlijk Joods?


Bergman: Ik schat dat er rond de 150-175 Joodse studenten bij de Universiteit van Maastricht zijn ingeschreven. Hun precieze aantal is momenteel moeilijk te bepalen. Van slechts zo’n 75 weten we het precies. De redenen voor deze situatie zijn velerlei: zij voelen zich niet op hun gemak om als Joods naar buiten te treden; ze zijn niet op de hoogte van de huidige Joodse studentengemeenschap of hebben (nog) geen Joodse medestudent getroffen, die hen kan introduceren.


Maar zodra Joden zich op de universiteit werkelijk comfortabel gaan voelen, zullen we zeker een sterke groei zien. Samen met de universiteit streven we naar zo’n werkelijk inclusieve, veilige situatie.


Kijken we naar heel Nederland: hoeveel Joodse studenten en docenten telt de academische wereld? En zijn zij ook op enigerlei wijze verenigd tegen manifestaties van Jodenhaat?


Bergman: Wij zijn niet verenigd. Een schatting is daarom vrij lastig. Daarbij komt dat tal van Joodse studenten het niet comfortabel achten voor hun identiteit uit te komen. Uit angst voor stigmatisering.


De documentatie van antisemitische voorvallen is eveneens lacuneus. Joodse studenten staan sowieso bijzonder sceptisch tegenover het nut van het melden van individuele incidenten. Wat verandert dat? Daarom worden heel wat uitingen van Jodenhaat eenvoudigweg niet geregistreerd.


Van de Universiteit van Maastricht weet ik dat er zo’n half dozijn Joodse en Israëlische professoren en stafleden werken. Stafleden vertelden mij dat de naam van Israël niet mag worden genoemd in bepaalde discussies en publicaties. Een collega van een Joods staflid gaf hem eens te kennen: “Als je je baan wilt houden, zeg dan niet dat je Joods bent en Israël steunt.”


Deze stafleden en professoren zwegen praktisch tijdens het conflict in mei tussen Israël en Hamas. Opstaan tegen de heersende grove desinformatie zou hun veiligheid in gevaar brengen, idem hun baan. Het punt is echter, dat zwijgen Joodse docenten en studenten niet helpt. Want als het zogenoemde Israëlische antisemitisme weer eens piekt, zij evengoed lijden als degenen die wel de moed hadden hun mond open te doen.


U bent ook actief bij de Europees Joodse Associatie (EJA). In welke mate beïnvloedt ‘de factor-Israël’ de activiteiten van de Joodse gemeenschappen in Europa?


Bergman: Zij krijgen te horen dat universiteiten en studentenorganisaties alleen met hen willen samenwerken als Joodse studenten zich evenzeer tegen Israël keren en geen enkele link leggen met Israël tijdens gemeenschappelijke evenementen. In de praktijk komt dit erop neer dat Joden de uitgangspunten van de BDS dienen te steunen om geaccepteerd te worden. Het aan Israël gerelateerd antisemitisme is trouwens in extreme mate present in Nederland bij de politieke en sociale faculteiten, met de professoren in de rol van medeplichtigen.


Het gebrek aan interactie met Joden en Israëli’s vergiftigt onze academische wereld onder de noemer van “sociale gerechtigheid”. Hoe meer anti-Israëlische, antisemitische retoriek, des te minder zullen Joden zichzelf als zodanig kenbaar maken en zich assimileren omwille van eigen toekomstig welzijn en carrière.


Bij welke initiatieven ben u rechtstreeks betrokken om Jodenhaat tegen te gaan op academisch terrein alsook om de Joodse presentie op te bouwen?


Bergman: Eerst even een persoonlijke noot: als ik bij een ontmoeting merk dat ik de eerste Jood ben die mijn gesprekspartner ooit is tegengekomen, stimuleer ik deze persoon mij te vragen wat hij of zij ook maar wil. Voor de grap noem ik dat “Jewsplaining”. Win ik zo vrienden, dan blijken zij de sterkste bondgenoten van Joden en Israël te zijn die ik ken. Dat gaat niet zonder slag of stoot. In veel gevallen verliezen Joodse studenten hun niet-Joodse vrienden om politieke redenen, denk aan de BDS-beweging, zo weet ik uit mijn contacten in Maastricht.


Het is echter de verantwoordelijkheid van alle Joodse studenten open te zijn over hun identiteit, pas dan dient zich het perspectief van niet-Joodse medestanders aan.


Binnen de EJA breng ik Joodse studenten uit heel Europa samen tijdens “Bootcamps”. Gezamenlijk brainstormen we dan drie dagen lang hoe onwetendheid over Joodse cultuur en leefwijze het hoofd te bieden, idem de rondwarende Jodenhaat op Europese campussen. Wij preciseren dan tegelijk onze praktische aanpak, evenzo hoe het best Israël te representeren.


Via de zogenoemde “Diplomatic Council” binnen de EJA trainen we een netwerk van toegewijde studenten per land in omgaan met de media, debatteren, in het openbaar spreken en educatie. In het vertegenwoordigen van Joden en Israël in Europa spelen we schaak, geen dammen.


Ook werken we samen met parlementariërs en andere politici, zoals ministers van onderwijs, om academische instellingen te motiveren zich pro-actief op te stellen, dat wil zeggen inclusief tegenover Joodse en Israëlische studenten. Tegenwoordig ben ik daartoe ook actief binnen de organisatie StandWithUs Nederland.


De EJA buigt zich nu over de vraag welke informatie moeten wij gaan geven aan de staf en decanen van universiteiten. Conform wat opperrabbijn Jacobs niet moe wordt te herhalen: “Educatie, educatie, educatie!” Dat is de enige manier waarmee wij als Joodse studenten kunnen gedijen op de universiteiten.


Palestinian Authority police actively involved in terrorism, says head of media watchdog

In PEACE TALK,  journalists Jonathan Sacerdoti and Moataz Khalil interviewed Itamar Marcus, Director of Palestinian Media Watch, who was in London last week for a briefing for parliamentarians hosted by Lord Bow, Chairman of UK-Israel Future Projects, organized together with Europe Israel Press Association. 

Itamar Marcus:

Palestinian Media Watch was founded in 1996, A few years after the signing of the Oslo Accords. We wanted to know what was happening in the Palestinian world amongst themselves. We started reading their newspapers, we studied, immediately, their schoolbooks. We started following their television, especially children’s programmes. We wanted to know what the messages were, the internal messages, we knew they were telling the international community in English that they wanted that peace with Israel, we wanted to see the Arabic language message as well.

And what we found is that there were two different worlds. To their own people, Israel  had no right to exist. The Jews were the enemies of Allah, destined for destruction. This was consistent and children were being taught that the goal in life is to be a martyr. And this was right from the beginning. We saw this literally in kindergarten, like programming on Palestinian TV. This has been so successful that all of these years, I mean, we have followed as this evolved and followed up. I mean, the last year alone I can’t tell you how many young kids how many children under 17, who were on terrorist attacks, many of them writing farewell letters, where we understood by the letters that their goal was not even to kill, but their goal was to be killed. There was a video that Fatah put on their Facebook page two years ago, which I think summarised the tragedy of Fatah and PA education to children. It showed a poem recite by a young girl who described how a little boy’s mother gave a rifle to a young boy as a present. And then the boy says why are you giving me a rifle and the mother says because you’re not destined for happiness, you’re destined for martyrdom. Our weapon is Islam and you my son, and you my child are the ammunition. And this Fatah put on their Facebook page, and this girl is with all this passion, and then we saw this year the results. We have children writing letters. A 14 year old boy wrote a letter he said, parents when you get this letter don’t cry over me, be joyous over my blood, make sounds of joy, my mother, my father don’t cry, I asked for martyrdom and Allah granted it to me. What was incredible this 14 year old boy who wrote this letter, when his funeral was shown on TV, on official Palestinian Authority TV, as you saw him being carried to the streets in the open coffin, there was no coffin, you see his face there on the stretcher, the Palestinian Authority played a song, and the song had the words “oh Mother, give me roses. This is the most beautiful time”. A 14 year old’s death. So this was the education we at Palestinain Media Watch had been warning about for years. And the result is that this year, we had dozens and dozens and dozens of teenage kids going out to join terror attacks with the goal of being the next one to be the great, honored martyr because they’re so convinced that this is a wonderful thing to do.

Jonathan Sacerdoti

And this isn’t in Gaza? This is the West Bank?

Itamar Marcus

This is in the West Bank. I’m describing the West Bank. Everything I said to you is in the West Bank. As far as I see following Palestinian Authority education over the years, it was it was these messages by the Palestinian Authority that created Hamas. Children were brought up on these messages all these years. When they reach 16, 17, 18, Hamas is doing it: “The PA is talking about it. The PA is teaching it. This is what I’ve learned, of course I’m going to join Hamas and go out and do a terror attack.”

Itamar Marcus

What we see from the new report that we’ve just released is that it’s not just Hamad that has been involved in terror. It’s not only Fatah that’s been involved in torror. It’s the Palestinian Authority police that have been actively involved in terror. The lead item that we put in our report was just from two weeks ago, January 17, five terrorists who are on the way to a terror attack, were killed by Israel. The lead one Abu Jallal[?], I think was his name, the al-Aqsa martyrs’ brigade published a poster with the five pictures and they put next to his name, “Captain in the Palestinian Authority security services intelligence”. And then they also put “commander in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade” . And then Israel announced right after he was killed, that he was one of the leaders of organising terror in all of the West Bank. So you’ve got a captain in the Palestinian Authority police. Now, in addition to that example, in our report, we documented a poster that Fatah published where they called it the heroes, the heroes of the Palestinian… the the martyrs of the Palestinian Authority police. And we checked out the names of every single one, and 23 of them were terrorists,

Moataz Khalil

Some say that you criticise Fatah and attack Fatah always. Do you see this as a Fatah problem only? Because it’s not only Fatah, it is also in Hamas and also in Jihad.

Itamar Marcus

Absolutely, what you’re saying is that the problem is connected to their interpretation of Islam. And let me just explain how clear that is. Two weeks after October 7, when it became time for the Friday service, the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Religion, on Thursday, always publishes talking points. And two weeks after October 7, they told Palestinians that in all the mosques it should be taught the Hadith, the hour of resurrection won’t come until Muslims fight the Jews and kill them. But so significantly, Jews will hide behind rocks and trees and Muslims are going to kill the Jews hiding behind rocks  and trees. And that’s what happened two weeks before, they were either hiding behind rocks and trees and they were killed. And that’s what this hadith said.

Moataz Khalil

They taught me this in kindergarten when I was a child in Egypt.

Jonathan Sacerdoti

This brings me back something that I’ve said for ages, which is when people say things we need to believe them. And they so so for many years, if I’ve read people that – I’m not a Quranic scholar – but I’ve read people that very phrase because we’re all familiar with it, because it’s about killing us. And they will say ah, it’s rhetoric, it’s extreme, but as you said, they just did it.

Itamar Marcus

They did it, and what the PA was telling them is ‘what happened on October 7, don’t think it was just Palestinian nationalism. It was fulfillment of Islam’. That was why they published this two weeks later. They were telling them don’t think of that as nationalism, that is Islam.

Moataz Khalil

By the way Jabil Rajoub says that in his interview with Palestinian TV. He says that it’s a victory for us, not just for Hamas.

Itamar Marcus

Jabril Rajoub said many things about this, Jabil Rajoub the top Palestinian leader, said it was an epic event. It was heroic. This is Jabil Rajoub, who is a top Palestinian leader.

Jonathan Sacerdoti

I think that what’s happened during this war in the wider world, especially in the media and in in Western politics is a sudden realisation that maybe they’ve been wrong. And maybe the things they thought were extreme on the Israeli side are not extreme. And it’s a very slow realisation, probably too slow. So we’re discussing now a lot whether UNRWA is part of the problem. Of course people like you have known it’s part of the problem for a long time. Are we yet at the stage where they’re going to listen to your message that the Palestinian Authority and that Fattah a part of the problem?

Itamar Marcus

Well, the first thing I’m so pleased about is that the Israeli government seems to have accepted that message. For the first time they’ve said loud and clear that they’re not going to allow the Gaza Strip to be run by the by the Palestinian Authority. Like I said, the Palestinian authority inadvertently created the power of Hamas. If you put them back in we’ll have another Hamas in 10 years because of the education, the messages, it’s the worldview. It’s the worldview of seeing Jews as people who can be killed. Let me just give you an example that’s significant for Britain. Last year in April, three British citizens were killed in Israel in a drive by shooting. Lucy Dee and her two children, Mia and Rena. A month later the Israeli army tracked down the terrorists who did it, the two terrorists and an accomplice, and three of them were killed. That they that they were killed, Mohammad Shtayyeh put on his Facebook page the pictures of three of the terrorists and what did he but on top of it? “Honour and glory to our heroic, our eternal martyrs”. Honor. This is what the Prime Minister says about a murder, the Palestinian Authority Prime Ministers, says about the murder of three British citizens.

Jonathan Sacerdoti

Never mind Jews, at least the Brits can care that they will Brits.

Itamar Marcus

And women! Abbas is no better. Abbas is no better. Earlier last year, two terrorists, Kareem Yunus and his cousin, they had together murdered an Israeli 40 years ago. And they were released from prison early because of a deal. They were supposed to have life sentences. Shimon Peres made it 40 years. They got released from prison. The day they were released from prison, who calls them up? Mahmud Abbas called them up, makes sure that it’s filmed. And then they put it on the Facebook page, where he says to them, “you are the heroes of the Palestinian people. You are the icons of the Palestinian people. You are the models for the palsies.” So you’ve got Mahmoud Abbas saying that two murders are icons and models for Palestinians. You’ve got Mohammad Shtayyeh saying that the murders of three British women are heroes and are martyrs. By the way way, when you say that they’re Shaheeds, this is critical when you talk about Islam, you’re saying that Allah is putting his stamp of approval on that murder. That’s what it says. Because you cannot be a Shaheed, it’s not a secular concept of martyrdom. It’s a religious concept. It means you died for Allah. It means that what you did, Allah has chosen as something positive. The fact that the Palestinian Authority has called every single suicide bomber since the year 2000, and every person who was killed in a terror attack against Israel, Shaheeds, means they are saying that Allah puts his stamp of approval on every single killing of every single Israeli. And that’s what has to be understood. You cannot claim that the PA is moderate when they’re telling the people that Allah wants all these Jews killed.

Moataz Khalil

I think that you are one of the few in the world telling people to take care of antisemitism. Yo attack even antisemitism in the USA and Europe. I read some tweets of yours about the antisemitism in some countries. So as a father, and as a professor, how do you see the antisemitism here? For example, in London, on Saturdays, it has become Londonistan.

Itamar Marcus

I think what we’re seeing is the most successful export of the Palestinian Authority is antisemitism. Because the antisemites going through the streets of Britain on the streets of New York and the streets of Europe, they’re all copying the words of the Palestinian Authority. The Palestinian Authority has said Israel is a colonialist implant with no right to exist. And they’re saying those same words. Literally, it’s the same words that we have been warning about for years, has been adopted as the narrative and it’s not just in the streets, it’s tragically been adopted in academia, as well, around the world, and that’s why it’s so worrisome, because we’re not talking about fringe. We’re talking about people who are mainstream. We’re talking about people who have positions of power and influence. We saw it through the three heads of universities who were in the United States who aren’t willing to say that calling for genocide of Jews is hate speech.

Jonathan Sacerdoti

So how was that become the most successful export? How on earth have we got to that position?

Itamar Marcus

It’s it’s because the Palestinians have successfully presented themselves as as victims of Israel’s existence. And the Internet. We would go around to the world, come to the British Parliament, American Congress, and say listen, they’re telling people that Israel has no right to exist. Oh, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter, it’ll go away. As long as you have peace. But it doesn’t go away. One of the Palestinians who we work with, and there are Palestinians who we work with, I was meeting with members of European Parliament in, in Israel. And I made my presentation and he spoke about his life and how he grew up hating Israelis, fearing Israelis, because he was convinced every Israeli wanted to kill him. And then an Israeli approach him. And then finally he had his wow moment, and he said, Oh, my God, he realised that the Israelis who he was meeting cared more about him than the Palestinian Authority, which had poisoned him into thinking… So one of the members of parliament asked him, well maybe it’ll get better with the Palestinian Authority if you have a state. And his answer to them was, no, no, please don’t do that to us. Don’t make these leaders, son’t give them a state because I could never live in that state. I can never live in that state. I’d have to leave. We need something else completely. What do we need? They said, we need something connected to Israel, because they’re the ones who care about us. This is a Palestinian, still now a resident at a refugee camp.

Moataz Khalil

I read some of you articles and you did some amazing work. Every word you write, you have a picture, every word you write you have a tweet. Are you afriad of the Palestinians?

Itamar Marcus

Jibril Rajoub on TV, we exposed a lot of his terror. We put in a complaint a FIFA and FIFA suspended him for a year because of us. And he went on TV. And he had to explain why. So he said, I’m telling you that this organisation, Palestinian Media Watch, they chased me everywhere I go. And we were, we were putting in complaints. We tried to keep them out of Britain, we sens complaints in. And we did it with MPs, we were working then with Joan Ryan, she gave in a complaint to the government for them to not allow him into the country. We did it and everywhere he was trying to go. And then finally FIFA kicked them out for a year. So he said, there’s this organisation, Palestinian Media Watch, they chase me everywhere, and their director is Goebbels of the 21st century.

Jonathan Sacerdoti

When it comes to the UNRWA debate, I think that everyone knew it already in the West, they just pretended not to. And now Israel’s forced their hand. Isn’t it the case also with the Palestinian Authority that everybody knows what you’re saying is true, partly because of your fine work. So why is it that, for example, I keep hearing this phrase, that Gaza must be ruled by a “rejuvenated Palestinian Authority”. It sounds like they can go for a spa day, and suddenly they’re going to be suitable and not advocating terrorism. Why are they in denial?

Itamar Marcus

First of all, one of the the tragic things about this “rejuvenated PA”, I’ve read that they need a new prime minister, a new minister of finance a new structure and more transparency. And I’m saying, you’re missing the whole point, they have to stop paying salaries to terrorists stop rewarding terrorists. In other words, it’s not just structure, its the essence that’s the problem. And the Western leaders who are talking about a new structure don’t understand what they’re talking about.

Jonathan Sacerdoti

Why isn’t your voice for example, on the BBC, why aren’t we hearing it more?,

Itamar Marcus:

I’ve been on the BBC years ago, I mean, the truth is, I would be very happy. And I should probably make more of an effort to get onto the BBC more often now. Because, again, and the Western channels. I’ve been interviewed, since the war started, between one and five times a day, sometimes on different channels around the world. So there is tremendous interest right now. And because like you said, people are realising that what we’ve been saying is really, really happening. You know, this is tragic events for everyone. It was tragic for Israel and tragic for the Palestinians in Gaza. I’m hoping that out of this tragedy, maybe, maybe something positive can be built. If Gaza has Israeli security control, they rebuild it without one refugee camp, put everybody in a home and say you are free from being a prisoner of refugees, you are a free person now, build better jobs, build them housing, and have the Abraham Accord  countries together with UK, US, EU create the entire social educational framework for the first 10 years, maybe that can be a model for even for the West Bank. Because if everything was flattened, we are starting from scratch, and when you start from scratch, you can do it right. If you do it as I described.


Muslim journalist suspended from hosting German TV show over allegations of anti-Semitism

Josef Schuster, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said WDR bears “a great responsibility not to present anyone on the screen who could spread hatred of Israel.”

A Muslim journalist was axed from her pending position as a TV host for a German science program after allegations came forward about her past anti-Semitic activity, including participation in the pro-Iran, anti-Israel Al-Quds march in Berlin in 2014.
As reported by the pro-Israel daily Bild and other German outlets, politicians, activists and Jewish community members called on WDR, a public broadcasting station, not to give a platform to Nemi El-Hassan, a journalist and doctor, in light of evidence of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel words and deeds.
Josef Schuster, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, stated that WDR bears “a great responsibility not to present anyone on the screen who could spread hatred of Israel and anti-Semitism.”
Following the uproar, WDR suspended the 28-year old from participating in “Quarks” and said that it would examine the matter carefully. “The allegations against her are grave,” the station stated. “But it is also grave to deny a young journalist of professional development.”
El-Hassan has since disavowed her participation in the Al-Quds march, where she was photographed wearing a headscarf and a kaffiyeh. Following inquiries to WDR from Bild, her tweets with alleged anti-Semitic content have been removed.
In an interview with Germany’s Spiegel, the Lebanese-born El-Hassan said she doesn’t hate Israel and that her participation in the march, of which she knew little, simply provided an outlet for her to express solidarity with Palestinians. “That demo was definitely the wrong way to do that. I say that today very clearly.”
She also said that she has since moderated her Islamist views and has distanced herself from the conservative Islamic crowd that brought her to such a rally; she stopped wearing a headscarf in 2019. “I have many Jewish friends, and my best friend is gay,” she said in the interview.
The annual Al-Quds march has been a hot-button issue in Berlin.
Despite the urgings of Jewish community leaders, German authorities did not ban it outright, citing freedom of assembly, although it was heavily regulated against anti-Semitic expressions. Last year, however, the organizers canceled the march under the cover of coronavirus guidelines. Some argued the cancellation came under fear of the ban on Hezbollah in Germany.

Report: Swedish cities use public money to find anti-Semitism

Research published by Gatestone Institute concludes various municipalities use money to endorse anti-Semitic groups such as Group 194, arrange school lectures by pro-Palestinian movements.
Sweden’s municipalities and government are directly and indirectly funding anti-Semitic organizations, according to a research conducted by Gatestone Institute for International Relations.
The research was published by Nima Gholam Ali Pour, a member of the board of education in the Swedish city of Malmö, as well as a participant of several Swedish Middle East teams.
In addition, he is the editor for the social conservative website “Situation Malmö,” and has published books.
The research report also concluded that Malmö’s municipality is using tax payers’ money to endorse Group 194—an organization that posts anti-Semitic content on its Facebook page, such as a caricature of a Jew drinking blood and feeding on a child.
The research argued that anti-Semitism originating in the Middle East is also funded by Swedish public money.
Therefore, when anti-Semitic scandals occur in the Scandinavian country, those tasked with addressing them are often the same officials responsible for distributing the offensive material that led to them.
Moreover, no effective action is currently being taken against the spread of anti-Semitism in Sweden.
Ali Pour concluded that the direct and indirect governmental funding of anti-Semitic organization should be scrutinized and immediately halted.
He adds that as long as the funding continues, Sweden’s Jews will continue living in a perpetual state of fear and insecurity.
Big Swedish cities such as Malmö have become known as places in which Jews feel threatened, and the country’s increasingly prevalent anti-Semitism has drawn international attention.
In December of 2017, Muslims demonstrated in front of a synagogue in Malmö and a Molotov cocktail was thrown at a prayer room in a Jewish cemetery following US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
“We want our freedom back and we’ll shoot the Jews,” the anti-Semitic demonstrators shouted in front of the synagogue.
Molotov cocktails were also hurled at a synagogue in the Swedish city of Gothenburg.
Furthermore, representatives of the Youth Against Settlements (YAS) organization based in Hebron are visiting and lecturing in Swedish high schools against Hebron’s Jewish residents.
One of the high school students who attended YAS’s lectures in February 2018 said that the anti-Semitic organization had argued that there are checkpoints all across Israel and that Arabs are routinely beaten and killed.
It was also said the Palestinians are living in concentration camps similar to those set up by the Nazis in in WWII.
“They talked a lot of nonsense and made us to take pictures with their flag,” one of the high school student said.
“The most controversial thing they said was that the Jews control the United States and the media,” another student added.
Zelika El Motsev and Anas Amro, YAS’s representatives across Sweden, were described in the media as “peace activists,” while they praised stabbing attacks, Shahids (martyrs) and Arab uprising on their Facebook pages.
Yes’s spokespersons were invited to speak before public institutions in Sweden and country’s Foreign Affairs Minister Margot Wallstrom met with them during her visit to Ramallah in December 2016.

The article was published on Ynet
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