USA: venduto all’asta l’orologio di Hitler

August 1, 2022
La protesta delle comunità ebraiche non si fa attendere.

È stato venduto all’asta per $ 1,1 milioni a un offerente anonimo l’orologio che si ritiene sia appartenuto al leader nazista Adolf Hitler negli Stati Uniti. L’orologio Huber, risalente al 1930, presenta incisioni di una svastica e le iniziali AH. Messo all’asta negli Stati Uniti da Alexander Historical Auctions, l’orologio è stato descritto sul sito web del banditore come una “reliquia della seconda guerra mondiale di proporzioni storiche”. L’orologio è un orologio da polso reversibile Andreas Huber in oro che fu probabilmente dato a Hitler il 20 aprile 1933 nel giorno del suo 44 ° compleanno, quando fu nominato insieme all’ex cancelliere Paul von Hindenburg cittadino onorario della Baviera. L’orologio presenta tre date: la data di nascita di Hitler, la data in cui divenne cancelliere e il giorno in cui il partito nazista vinse le elezioni nel marzo 1933. L’orologio è stato commissionato dal Partito Nazista o NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) e assemblato e inciso dalla ditta orologiera tedesca Andreas Huber, a Monaco di Baviera. Secondo la casa d’aste, l’orologio fu preso come souvenir quando circa 30 soldati francesi presero d’assalto il Berghof, il rifugio di montagna di Hitler, nel maggio 1945. Successivamente si pensa che l’orologio sia stato rivenduto e tramandato attraverso diverse generazioni.

Durante il dominio di Hitler nella Germania nazista tra il 1933 e il 1945, circa 11 milioni di persone furono uccise, sei milioni delle quali furono uccise perché erano ebree. In una lettera aperta firmata da 34 leader ebrei, la vendita è stata descritta come “ripugnante”. “Questa asta, inconsapevolmente o meno, sta facendo due cose: una, dare soccorso a coloro che idealizzano ciò che il partito nazista rappresentava. Due: offrire agli acquirenti la possibilità di titillare un ospite o una persona cara con un oggetto appartenente a un assassino genocida “, ha detto il rabbino Menachem Margolin, presidente dell’Associazione ebraica europea (EJA) con sede a Bruxelles. La casa d’aste, tuttavia, ha affermato che la vendita era finalizzata a preservare la storia.

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האיחוד האירופי הודיע: לא נתמוך בפרויקטים המעודדים טרור נגד ישראל

חברי ממשלה ממדינות אירופה ועשרות פרלמנטרים בכירים מרחבי היבשת סיימו אתמול, לצד מנהיגי הקהילות היהודיות, את הכנס למאבק באנטישמיות, שהתקיים בימי הזיכרון לליל הבדולח. הכנס החל באתר מחנה ההשמדה אושוויץ־בירקנאו ונמשך בקרקוב שבפולין, והוא אורגן על ידי איגוד הארגונים היהודיים באירופה.

בין המשתתפים והנואמים הבולטים הפעם נשיאת הפרלמנט האירופי רוברטה מצולה ממלטה, נשיאת הפרלמנט הצ’כי מרקטה פקרובה, ראש ממשלת מונטנגרו דרידאן אבאזוביץ’, נציגות בכירות מבתי המחוקקים הצרפתיים ואחרים. ישראל יוצגה על ידי ראש המשלחת לאיחוד האירופי, השגריר חיים רגב.

יו”ר איגוד הארגונים היהודיים באירופה, הרב מנחם מרגולין, סיפר בתחילת הטקס בבירקנאו על החוויה האנטישמית שעברה בימים אלה על ילדיו בבריסל מצדה של אישה שהעליבה אותם במהלך נסיעה בתחבורה הציבורית.

Meeting with H.E. Evarist Bartolo, Minister for Education and Employment of the Republic of Malta.

Earlier today a delegation composed of representatives from the European Jewish Association (Alex Benjamin, Director of Public Affairs), our partners from the Action and Protection Foundation /Hungary/ (Ferenc Olti, Board Member of the Hungarian Jewish Cultural Association and Kálmán Szalai, Secretary) as well as Chabad Jewish Centre of Malta (Rabbi Chaim Segal and Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Segal, Co-Directors) has met with H.E. Evarist Bartolo, Minister for Education and Employment of the Republic of Malta, and members of his secretariat.

The main topic of discussion has been the European Curriculum and Textbook Project against Antisemitism, which is based on a successful seven-year-long initiative recently concluded in Hungary. Earlier this year it has also received a “best practice” status from the European Commission. The cornerstone of the initiative is better familiarisation of youth with the history, culture and contributions of the European and local Jewish community, thereby facilitating mutual understanding, social dialogue and, of course, being able to more effectively combat and even prevent expressions of Antisemitism.

The project’s main idea is to adapt some of the Hungarian initiative’s elements in national educational curriculums – with, of course, the utmost consideration to local rules and practices. In order to do that, we approach national and/or regional educational authorities and professionals across the EU with the aim of establishing a dialogue, which might later transform into concrete proposals and potentially implemented items to be studied by the younger generation.

In the course of a productive conversation lasting more than an hour, touching upon the various aspects of the project, H.E. Mr. Minister has reciprocated interest in cooperation. We are most grateful to His Excellency and look forward to a fruitful partnership.

That said, this is just the first of many such meetings prospectively taking place in a number of EU Member States. More shall take place over the coming months.

EJA in the Media January 2020- January 2021


Greece: Kosher slaughter 'under direct attack'

Jewish freedom of religion is under direct attack across Europe from the very institutions that have vowed to protect our communities, says European Jewish Association Chairman Rabbi Menachem Margolin, after the Greek Supreme Court ruled that slaughter without stunning violates EU law.
The move comes as a consequence of the European Court of Justice Ruling last December that member countries may ban the practice of ritual slaughter in order to promote animal welfare, without infringing the rights of religious groups.
The December ruling said that the EU’s animal slaughter regulation “does not preclude member states from imposing an obligation to stun animals prior to killing which also applies in the case of slaughter prescribed by religious rites”, but encouraged member states to find a balance.
It is now clear that a number of member states are zealously applying the former whilst ignoring the latter.
In a statement this evening, the Chairman of the Brussels-based European Jewish Association, which represents hundreds of communities across the continent, said: “We warned in December about the downstream consequences that the European Court of Justice ruling carried with it, and now we see the outcome. Jewish Freedom of Religion is under direct attack. It started in Belgium, moved to Poland and Cyprus and now it is Greece’s turn.
“These direct attacks are coming from many of the same governments and institutions who have sworn to protect their Jewish Communities. What we are witnessing is rank hypocrisy. When it comes to antisemitism, governments and institutions rightly stand behind us. But when our faith and practice is assailed left and right by laws, they are nowhere to be seen, nowhere to be found. What use is it to protect Jews while legislating fundamental pillars of our religion out of existence?
“We will be urgently making representations to the highest levels of the Greek government to get direct answers to this simple but fundamental question: How can there be Jews in Europe if you keep bringing in laws against us?”
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