The Fifth “MAHAR” Conference Budva, Montenegro

December 26, 2017

This year “MAHAR” (tomorrow) conference was dealing with the important question:  “Whither will Jewish Diaspora go?”
Rabbi Menachem Margolin (Founder of European Jewish Association) was invited to share his thoughts and ideas on the issue of the European Jewry Future.

For more information on the conference klick HERE

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New Jewish European campaign seeks to house Jewish refugees from Ukraine

As the war in Ukraine enters a second week, Europe is witnessing a huge influx of refugees fleeing Ukraine toward the West, including many Ukrainian Jews in this surge to safety.The Brussels-based European Jewish Association (EJA), representing hundreds of communities across the continent, has launched a Europe-wide campaign to temporarily provide homes, food and clothing to hundreds of Jewish families whose lives have been torn apart and upended by the conflict in Ukraine.

The appeal has gone out to Jewish communities from Lisbon to Lublin, Bucharest to Bordeaux, and everywhere in between.

“The history of the Jewish people is one of displacement, either because of pogrom or war,” said Rabbi Menachem Margolin, EJA chairman. “We are only too aware of what it means to be forced to up and leave at a moment’s notice. In almost every one of our communities you will hear such stories. We, the Jewish people, are especially attuned to these catastrophes. And because we are so attuned, we are pre-programmed to help our Jewish neighbors, just as we always have.

“I have faith that this campaign will deliver. Since the war started, Jews from all over Europe have been getting in touch with us to see what can be done to help their Ukrainian Jewish brothers and sisters in need. We are providing them with the vehicle to do just that, by offering shelter, food and clothing to those who left in a hurry, often with nothing but the clothes on their backs.”

Another European Jewish organization very active on the ground is the Conference of European Rabbis, which announced this week that Israeli technology investor Yuri Milner has donated $3 million to the CER to help Jewish refugees from Ukraine.

“As we witness the terrible human suffering in Ukraine, the Conference of European Rabbis would like to announce a special donation of $3m. from the foundation established by Yuri and Julia Milner,” said the conference. “Yuri is an Israeli technology investor and science philanthropist.”

“The CER is grateful to Yuri and Julia Milner for their long-standing support and for this latest commitment to the Jewish community at this perilous time,” said CER President Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt.

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Czech Terezín survivor uses TikTok to shed light on Holocaust

Representatives of European Jewish communities and politicians from European countries met Tuesday in Terezín, the former wartime Jewish ghetto to the north of the country, to remember victims of the Holocaust and vow to fight against anti-Semitism.

Among the speakers at the commemorative event was Gidon Lev, a Czechoslovak native and one of the few child survivors of the Terezín ghetto. Lev is also widely known for his TikTok channel in which he delivers straight talk about his time at Terezín to the social media generation.

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President Đukanović is a true friend of the Jewish people.

For the first time ever, a permanent Chief Rabbi was elected in Montenegro, in a moving ceremony with the presence of President Milo Đukanović and Israeli Minister of Religious Services Yitzhak Vaknin. Chairman of the European Jewish Association Rabbi Menachem Margolin: “President Đukanović is a true friend of the Jewish people.”
Thursday, 31 October 2019, Montenegro. A small piece of Jewish history was marked today in the capital of Montenegro, as Rabbi Ari Edelkopf was elected as the first-ever permanent Chief Rabbi of the country.
The ceremony was held in the presence of Montenegro’s President Milo Đukanović, Israeli Minister of Religious Services Yitzhak Vaknin, Chairman of the European Jewish Association Rabbi Menachem Margolin, Director of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe Rabbi Arie Goldberg, Israel’s Chief Rabbinate representative Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Weiss, President of the Montenegrin Jewish Community Đorđe Raičević, and dozens of Montenegrin ministers and MPs.
For more than two years, Rabbi Edelkopf has served as the Rabbi of Montenegro’s Jewish community, which includes over 500 Jewish families – some of whom are natives of Montenegro and others who moved to the country in recent years. During the ceremony, Rabbi Edelkopf stated that: “In Judaism to be a teacher is the biggest honour. To be giving, sharing knowledge and love! The Jewish community in Montenegro is unique, and I feel honoured to be its Rabbi. I would like to thank my wife Hana. Everything I have achieved ever as a rabbi is all thanks to her and our Rebbe, who says: “Everyone needs to share his or her knowledge with others. Even if you know only one letter, share it. With G-d’s help, we’ll all strive and aim for that.””
During the nomination ceremony, Montenegro’s President Milo Đukanović noted that: “We live in hard times. Antisemitism is on the rise, and is not only a problem for the Jewish community, but for the whole of Europe. The appointment of a chief rabbi in Montenegro is a bright spot that we are all happy about.”
Rabbi Edelkopf is a not only the Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Community, but of the entire country of Montenegro, and we will surely continue our fruitful cooperation, with the Jewish community working with him.”
“Over the years, the Montenegrin people have been very supportive of the Jewish people and many Montenegrins helped to hide Jews from the Nazis during the Holocaust. Since its declaration of independence in 2006, the various governments in the state have maintained very good relations with the Jewish community, which is reflected, among other things, in the allocation of land for building synagogues, and in the very small number of Antisemitic incidents in the country.”
Chairman of the European Jewish Association (EJA), Rabbi Menachem Margolin, who initiated the historic appointment in Montenegro thanked President Đukanović for his unquestionable support for the Jewish people, congratulated Rabbi Edelkopf on the appointment, and stated: “President Đukanović is a true friend of the Jewish people and brings with him a very rich experience in the fight against Antisemitism all over Europe. We look forward to continuing working hand in hand with him on this issue.”
Minister of Religious Services of Israel, Yitzhak Vaknin, thanked President Đukanović and the EJA’s Chairman Rabbi Menachem Margolin for their efforts to strengthen the Jewish community in Montenegro and throughout the Balkans, and noted that: “The State of Israel sees itself as an address for all the Jews of the world, both the Jews who want to make Aliyah to Israel and the Jews who choose to live in the Balkans, and we want to deepen the dialogue and cooperation with everyone.”
Director of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe, Rabbi Arie Goldberg, noted during the ceremony that: “The appointment of Rabbi Edelkopf as permanent Chief Rabbi of Montenegro will greatly contribute to strengthening the spiritual and physical infrastructure of the Jewish community in the country. We at the Rabbinical Centre of Europe will continue to assist rabbis and Jewish community leaders – small and large – throughout the continent, to grow, develop, and maintain their Jewish identity.”


У Києві до Дня пам’яті жертв Голокосту почався міжнародний симпозіум, присвячений трагедії Бабиного Яру.

Як передає кореспондент Укрінформу, захід організовує Європейська єврейська асоціація (EJA) спільно з Меморіальним центром Голокосту «Бабин Яр» та Федерацією єврейських громад України.
В рамках симпозіуму відбудуться панельні дискусії, присвячені історії Голокосту та боротьбі з антисемітизмом, обговорюватимуться просвітницькі ініціативи за визначеною тематикою. Засновник і президент організації «Яхад-Ін Унум» отець Патрік Дебуа виступить з доповіддю про історію трагедії Бабиного Яру, раніше не відомі факти про катастрофу й політику замовчування в СРСР.
«Ми не можемо полишити це уроком історії. Це не лише історія, але і те, що актуально сьогодні, як і раніше. Ця ненависть, на жаль, не лише існує, але і продовжує зростати», – звернувся до учасників симпозіуму глава EJA Рабин Менахем Марголін.
Читайте також: Будинок контори єврейського кладовища передали для створення Музею жертв Бабиного Яру
Захід проходить за участю членів українського уряду, Голови Верховної Ради, представників Європарламенту, Сейму Польщі та парламентів інших європейських країн, посольства Ізраїлю в Україні та членів єврейських організацій.
«Єдиною запорукою порятунку від попередження і повторення таких жахіть є памʼять. І українці відчувають себе солідарними з мільйонами людей доброї волі у всьому світі, обʼєднані рішучістю убезпечити людство від руйнівних наслідків людиноненависництва, расизму та ксенофобії», – зазначив у виступі спікер Верховної Ради Руслан Стефанчук.
Під час Другої світової війни нацисти, які зайняли Київ, використовували урочище Бабин Яр як місце масових розстрілів цивільного населення, головним чином євреїв. 29 вересня 1941 року за наказом окупаційної адміністрації все єврейське населення було зобов’язане з’явитися до Бабиного Яру. Людей групами проводили через пропускний пункт, після чого заганяли на край яру і розстрілювали. Цього та наступного дня жертвами розправи стало 33 771 особа.
Читайте також: «Бабин Яр. Контекст» Лозниці номінували на премію Європейської кіноакадемії
Загалом масові вбивства в урочищі тривали до самого відходу нацистів із міста. У Бабиному Яру розстріляли більш як 100 тисяч людей.

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