Greek Court Bans Kosher and Halal Slaughter

October 28, 2021

The Hellenic Council of State banned kosher and halal slaughter on Tuesday. Kosher and halal preparations of animals are central to Jewish and Muslim religious practices.
Both practices require animals to be killed without being anesthetized. The Panhellenic Animal Welfare and Environmental Federation requested that the court annul an exemption in a law that allowed religious slaughtering practices to take place without anesthetic.
The courts ruled that the religious preparation of animal products did not outweigh those animals’ welfare, and decided that the exemption was a violation of the law’s requirement to slaughter animals with anesthesia. The court has left it up to the government to regulate the relationship between animal rights and religious freedom, and they will preside over the country’s slaughterhouse practices.
Many Jewish people are speaking out against the court’s decision, calling it an infringement on their religious freedom. European Jewish Association (EJA) chairman Rabbi Menachem Margolin said that “Jewish freedom of religion is under direct attack across Europe from the very institutions that have vowed to protect our communities.”

Jewish groups outraged over Greek court’s decision

The EJA believes that the court’s decision is following a precedent set last December by the Court of Justice of the European Union, which gave EU nations the ability to ban kosher slaughter in support of animal welfare while also allowing for religious freedom for affected religious groups.
The decision allows members of the EU to make their own decisions about how to follow animal welfare guidelines while allowing people to practice their religions. But the EJA believes that “it is now clear” that member states are leaning heavily in favor of animal welfare and neglecting religious groups.

“As early as last December we warned about the dangerous consequences of the European Court of Justice ruling, and now we are seeing the result,” Margolin said. “It started in Belgium, moved to Poland and Cyprus and it is now Greece’s turn. These direct attacks come from many of those governments and institutions that have vowed to defend their Jewish communities.”

“What we are witnessing is first-rate hypocrisy,” he said. “When it comes to antisemitism, governments and institutions rightly stand behind us. But when our beliefs and customs are attacked right and left by laws, they are nowhere to be seen.”

Margolin said that the EJA plans to air their grievances at the highest level of the Greek government, hoping to get engagement and dialogue about how they can practice their religion comfortably in Greece. The EJA leader considers the issue of high importance, as food preparation and slaughter practices are central parts of both Jewish and Muslim religions.
“How can Jews live in Europe if you continue to legislate against us?” said Margolin.

Greek Court Bans Kosher and Halal Slaughter

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New year message from EJA Chairman for Rosh HaShanah:

5780 (2020) was undoubtedly a watershed year for all of us.
The pandemic has upended our lives, caused many of us heartache and loss, and has pushed many struggling communities close to the edge.
And yet we sat at Seder tables , we carried on as best we could, as we always have done. We looked after each other, we reassured, lent words of comfort, engaged in physical acts of help and support…in short, we remain hopeful and true to who we are and the role entrusted to us by the Almighty.
It is in this continuing spirit that we welcome in 5781 – the Jewish new year- this evening.
We remain hopeful, positive and optimistic as we turn a new page, and we pray for better days ahead.
From all of us at the European Jewish Association, we wish you, your families, your loved ones a hopeful, healthy, happy and successful new year.
Shana Tova!
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USA: venduto all’asta l’orologio di Hitler

La protesta delle comunità ebraiche non si fa attendere.

È stato venduto all’asta per $ 1,1 milioni a un offerente anonimo l’orologio che si ritiene sia appartenuto al leader nazista Adolf Hitler negli Stati Uniti. L’orologio Huber, risalente al 1930, presenta incisioni di una svastica e le iniziali AH. Messo all’asta negli Stati Uniti da Alexander Historical Auctions, l’orologio è stato descritto sul sito web del banditore come una “reliquia della seconda guerra mondiale di proporzioni storiche”. L’orologio è un orologio da polso reversibile Andreas Huber in oro che fu probabilmente dato a Hitler il 20 aprile 1933 nel giorno del suo 44 ° compleanno, quando fu nominato insieme all’ex cancelliere Paul von Hindenburg cittadino onorario della Baviera. L’orologio presenta tre date: la data di nascita di Hitler, la data in cui divenne cancelliere e il giorno in cui il partito nazista vinse le elezioni nel marzo 1933. L’orologio è stato commissionato dal Partito Nazista o NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) e assemblato e inciso dalla ditta orologiera tedesca Andreas Huber, a Monaco di Baviera. Secondo la casa d’aste, l’orologio fu preso come souvenir quando circa 30 soldati francesi presero d’assalto il Berghof, il rifugio di montagna di Hitler, nel maggio 1945. Successivamente si pensa che l’orologio sia stato rivenduto e tramandato attraverso diverse generazioni.

Durante il dominio di Hitler nella Germania nazista tra il 1933 e il 1945, circa 11 milioni di persone furono uccise, sei milioni delle quali furono uccise perché erano ebree. In una lettera aperta firmata da 34 leader ebrei, la vendita è stata descritta come “ripugnante”. “Questa asta, inconsapevolmente o meno, sta facendo due cose: una, dare soccorso a coloro che idealizzano ciò che il partito nazista rappresentava. Due: offrire agli acquirenti la possibilità di titillare un ospite o una persona cara con un oggetto appartenente a un assassino genocida “, ha detto il rabbino Menachem Margolin, presidente dell’Associazione ebraica europea (EJA) con sede a Bruxelles. La casa d’aste, tuttavia, ha affermato che la vendita era finalizzata a preservare la storia.

Make Their Memory Shine' project

We at the European Jewish Association are proud to join the #MakeTheirMemoryShine project. Together with StandWithUs Nederlands
and other organisations across the continent, we commit ourselves to help clean the ‘Stolpersteine’ (Stumbling Stones) of Europe and honour the memory of Holocaust victims. This very important project has already started in several Dutch and Belgian cities, with several hundred stones now ensuring the memory of a victim will shine on. You can see a few examples in the images below. If you would like to participate and lead a group in your city, do not hesitate to contact us or the

Make Their Memory Shine #MTMS

page. Initiatives like these make us stronger and remind us of the reason we fight for the interest of Jewish communities every day.

Nazi keepsakes auctioned in Munich belonging to Göring

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