New Cooperation with The Jewish community of Limburg

May 11, 2020

The European Jewish Association is proud and delighted to welcome another organisation to our growing roster of partners and communities.
We have just concluded and signed a memorandum of understanding with The Jewish community of Limburg (NIHS Limburg).
We very much look forward to work closely together to the benefit of the Limburg jewish community and European Jewry as a whole.

Additional Articles

EJA Delegation Joins AIPAC International Policy Summit in Washington DC to Strengthen Europe-US-Israel Relation

It was a pleasure for our EJA team to participate at the AIPAC International Policy Summit in Washington DC, where we held a dedicated joint briefing and policy session together with AIPAC for our delegation of European parliamentarians and US counterparts.
Deepening Europe-US-Israel relations, building inter-parliamentary links and establishing meaningful transatlantic connections is an important part of our work spearheaded by our EJA Director of EU Relations, Ruth Isaac, who led the delegation, and we thank AIPAC for their kind cooperation.

The delegation included Chair of European Parliament Abraham Accords Network, MEP David Lega , Chair of Foreign Affairs Committee of Czech Republic, MP Marek Ženíšek , Deputy Marshal of the Senate of Poland, Mr Michal Kamiński, Chair of Lithuania-Israel Parliamentary Group and Vice-Chair of European Affairs Committee of Lithuania, MP Emanuelis Zingeris , Vice-Chair of Foreign Policy Committee of National Assembly of Bulgaria and f. Minister, MP Daniel Lorer, President of Assembly of European Regions and Member of Foreign Affairs Committee of Sweden, MP Magnus Berntsson, and others.

EJA Whatsapp antisemitism hotline

Been subjected to an antisemitic incident?
Call or text our new Whatsapp antisemitism hotline: +32 484 999 111
Send us a message, day or night, and we can provide help and assistance from your local community and law and order services.

Don’t suffer in silence. We are here for you.
The EJA, in an effort to mitigate the worst effects on Jews across Europe of rising antisemitism has set up a continent-wide dedicated antisemitism whatsapp hotline.
Those who have been subjected to an antisemitic incident can report, day or night, and the EJA will respond with not only support, but with practical help such as direct contact with national authorities and local Jewish community back-up.
We encourage you to share this number with your local community and spread the news- you have someone to turn to in times of trouble.

Israele: in Italia e Ungheria, la miglior qualità di vita per gli ebrei europei

Il quotidiano Israeliano The Jerusaleme Post, ci ha fatto sapere che fra tutti i paesi dell’Unione Europea, Italia e Ungheria offrono agli Ebrei una qualità di vita migliore, mentre Polonia, Belgio e Francia sono in fondo alla lista.

I dati raccolti provengono dall’Istituto di Ricerca Politica di Londra, che sono stati resi noti nella giornata di ieri a Budapest, alla conferenza annuale dell’Associazione degli ebrei di Europa. Si tratta di uno studio durato due anni di Daniel Statsky.

Questi studi prendono in considerazione, fattori antropologici e sociali come: la lotta all’antisemitismo, la sicurezza della comunità ebraica locale, la libertà di culto, lo sviluppo della cultura ebraica, il ricordo della Shoah e l’adozione della definizione di antisemitismo dell’Ihra (l’Alleanza internazionale sul ricordo dell’Olocausto), nonché l’impostazione del voto di ciascun Paese nelle mozioni ONU su Israele (Fonte:

Israele: in Italia e Ungheria, la miglior qualità di vita per gli ebrei europei

EJA in the Media January 2020- January 2021


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