Letter of Support for Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi

October 18, 2023

Your Excellency Madam President Von Der Leyen,

In response to accusations against European Commissioner for Neighborhood & Enlargement, Mr Várhelyi, and calls for his resignation, we would like to make the following statement.

Following the horrific and inhumane terror attacks against civilians in Israel on 7 October, which shocked the whole world, Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi posted on social media the decision for urgent review of the entire Palestinian development portfolio, on 9 October 2023. Hundreds of innocent women, children and elderly people were killed in terrifying circumstances or taken as hostages.

The Commissioner is accused of “offense to EU’s institutions and their democratic functioning”, by claiming that his “actions undermine not only the image of our institutions, but the trust that EU citizens put in the Commission”. Whilst, in fact, his actions are the ones defending and protecting both our fundamental values and moral compass, and also vis-a-vis trust by EU citizens.

Antisemitic attacks and calls to harm Jewish people have risen by 1200% here in Europe and both national governments and EU institutions have to take action. These are staggering and deeply distressing numbers.

The announcement by Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi was particularly welcomed by all our communities, as he very correctly stated “there can be no business as usual”. “The scale of terror and brutality… is a turning point” and it has to be.

Germany review of Palestinian development aid

On 8 October, German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, H.E. Ms Svenja Schulze, announced that the “attacks on Israel mark a terrible fracture”. “We will now review our entire engagement for the Palestinian territories.”

Austria development aid suspended

On the 9th of October, prior to the Commissioner’s post, the Austrian Minister for Foreign

Affairs, H.E. Mr Alexander Schallenberg announced that “We will put all payments of Austrian development cooperation on hold” and sharply criticised states that refuse to classify Hamas as a terrorist organisation.

Sweden’s aid to Palestine suspended

On 10 October, Sweden Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, H.E. Mr Johan Forssell, stated, “We have a new situation after the 7th of October”. “Our decision today is that Sweden will … pause development aid to Palestine until further notice.”

Denmark development aid on hold

The same day, Denmark Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy, H.E.

Mr Dan Jørgensen, confirmed that Danish development assistance to Palestine will be placed “on hold”. “Unacceptable acts, terrorism and aggression of the worst kind have happened, and we must be naturally be very sure that Danish money is not indirectly supporting that”.

The social media post by Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi was made after a truly unprecedented and deadly terrorist massacre. It followed the lead of a number of countries and the strong condemnation of the terror attacks by world leaders. Both national governments and EU institutions share very legitimate concerns as Hamas has turned agricultural and irrigation equipment, which was paid by European funds, into weapons to attack civilians, and used cement that was meant for living quarters to build death tunnels to expand its terror activities.

As Jewish organisations which represent thousands of European citizens, we believe the accusations against Commissioner Várhelyi are politically motivated and display a breathtaking and appalling insensitivity to the horrendous and barbaric loss of human life.

At a truly unprecedented time, when Europe must be united against terrorism, it is nothing less than shameful that there exist those who prefer instead to try and score cheap political points on the graves of the dead and on the hundreds of hostages still in terrorist captivity.

Were a reminder needed of what we are all up against, last night the same type of terrorism struck the heart of Europe in Brussels claiming two utterly innocent lives, this follows, of course, the brutal murder of a teacher in Arras, France.

Commissioner Varheyli enjoys the full and unyielding support of European Jewry for his noble stand, a stand that sadly is possessed by far too few political leaders in the face of atrocity, barbarism and an assault on the very European values that we all hold so dear to our hearts.

Yours sincerely,

Rabbi Menachem Margolin Founder and Chairman European Jewish Association

Joël Mergui Chairman of EJA Jewish Leaders’ Board President of Consistoire of Paris, France President of European Centre of Judaism

Baroness Régine Suchowolski – Sluszny EJA Jewish Leaders’ Board Vice-Chairwoman for Holocaust Remembrance and President of Forum of Jewish Organisations, Belgium

Ellen Van Praagh-van Aspert EJA Jewish Leaders’ Board Vice-Chairwoman for Equity and Diversity, and President of IPOR Jewish Communities, The Netherlands

Andrew Cohen FCA EJA Jewish Leaders’ Board Vice-Chairman for UK President, Federation of Synagogues, UK

Riccardo Pacifici EJA Jewish Leaders’ Board Vice-Chairman for Italy and Jewish Heritage

Alexander Benjamin EJA Jewish Leaders’ Board Vice-Chairman for Advocacy, European Jewish Association

Gabriel Senderowicz Mold EJA Jewish Leaders’ Board Member

EJA Jewish Leaders’ Board Member Chairman of Board of The Social & Cultural Association of Jews in Poland (TSKZ) Portugal

Yaron Zeloof EJA Jewish Leaders’ Board Member President of the Jewish Community of Cyprus



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US-Auktionshaus versteigert Nazi-Erinnerungsstücke

Kurz vor dem Start einer Auktion von Nazi-Erinnerungsstücken gerät der Veranstalter im US-Bundesstaat Maryland in die Kritik. Der jüdische Dachverband European Jewish Association (EJA) fordert, die Versteigerung abzusagen. Einige Hinterlassenschaften stammten aus dem Umfeld des NS-Diktators Adolf Hitler.

»Der Verkauf dieser Gegenstände ist abscheulich«, erklärte der EJA-Vorsitzende Rabbi Menachem Margolin in einem offenen Brief an die Veranstalter der Auktion, Alexander Historical Auctions, im US-Bundesstaat Maryland. Der EJA vertritt nach eigenen Angaben verschiedene jüdische Organisationen in Europa.

In seinem Brief nahm Margolin auch Bezug auf einige Gegenstände, die bei der Veranstaltung meistbietend verkauft werden sollen. Auf der Auktionsseite wird unter anderem eine Golduhr Hitlers beworben, die der Führer zu seinem 44. Geburtstag erhalten haben soll. Das derzeitige Gebot liegt bei einer Million US-Dollar.

Die Uhr wurde laut der Beschreibung am 4. Mai 1945 von einem französischen Soldaten in Hitlers Feriendomizil in Berchtesgaden gefunden, als die Alliierten in den bayerischen Bergen vorrückten. Laut dem Auktionshaus hätten mehrere Uhrmacher und Historiker bestätigt, dass die Uhr echt ist und Hitler selbst gehört habe.


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The Flemish parliament voted Wednesday to ban ritual slaughter of animals without stunning from 2019.

BRUSSELS (EJP)—The Flemish parliament voted Wednesday to ban ritual slaughter of animals without stunning from 2019. The animals will be slaughtered after being irreversibly stunned, for example via an electrical anesthesia, the parliament decided. The Jewish community denounced an attack on freedom of religion which is protected by Constitution and by EU rules. 

An exception remains for cattle and calves. Pending a more developed technique, post-cut stunning will remain in effect, a stunning immediately after the slaughter.
Slaughterhouses now have a year and a half to adapt their infrastructure and train their staff in these new practices. Flemish Minister of Animal Welfare Ben Weyts said he is pleased with the vote and called Flanders ”a leader in animal welfare in Europe.”
Another Belgian region, Wallonia, has also voted a similar legislation.
Shechita, the Jewish ritual slaughter, requires that butchers swiftly slaughter the animal by slitting its throat and draining the blood.
The Jewish community in Belgium has slammed the Flemish and Walloon regions given their clear repercussions for the community.
Rabbi Menachem Margolin, head of the European Jewish Association (EJA), a Brussels-based group representing Jewish communitiers across Europe, has accused lawmakers of targeting Jews and said the decisions ”have a strong stench of populism.” 
”This is a direct attack on Jews and our practice when it comes to slaughtering. When it comes to the mass market slaughterhouses, where mistakes frequently affect up to 10% of all animals, meaning they die in an awful painful death, compared to shechita, the kosher slaughter,  where the suffering of the animal is kept to the most minimum levels possible,” he said. ”It  quickly becomes apparent that this decision is not about health or animal welfare. It simplly represents the politics of division,” Rabbi Margolin added, stressing that ”we will fight this latest decision wih all legal and political means at our disposal.” 
CCOJB, the representative body of Belgian Jewish organisations, regretted the Flemish parliament vote and its consequences on Jewish ritual slaughter. ‘’Wallonia and Flanders are sending a wrong political message to the citizens of our country because these laws do not respect the European rules on this matter,’’ said CCOJB President Yohan Benizri in a statement.  ”This vote intervenes despite numerous juridical and moral objections that have been put forward these last months as this measure indirectly bans ritual slaughter.”

Coronavirus heavily impacts French Jewish community, ZAKA buries victims

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Peretz, head of ZAKA France, alerted the Jewish community, saying that “we are counting bodies, and you are still debating the quarantine measures.”

As of Wednesday night, France reported that 11,539 people were hospitalized after testing positive for coronavirus and 1,331 people  died from the virus, including some Jewish people.On social media, including many Facebook groups, a list of French Jews infected with the coronavirus was published and is being updated almost daily, people urging the community to pray and read tehillim for them.

In a recent statement, ZAKA claimed that many victims from the coronavirus in France are Jewish and that the organization’s volunteers are burring Jewish victims every day. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Peretz, head of ZAKA France, alerted the Jewish community, saying that “we are counting bodies, and you are still debating the quarantine measures.”

“We are in difficult times, we have a very hard job as we take care every day of the Jews who died as a result of the virus,” he added. “It is very difficult to describe the situation with what we face here every day.”
Rabbi Peretz said that important Rabbis from the community are among the victims.”Last Saturday, Rabbi Touboul, head of the Beit Hanna and Chaya Mushka schools in Paris, some of the largest Chabad schools for girls in Europe, died suddenly,” he said.
“We worked to fulfill Rabbi Touboul’s will to be buried in Israel. We were able to reach an agreement with the Israeli Ministry of Health, we received very strict instructions on how to treat the deceased according to Jewish law and the Health Ministry guidelines in order to bury him in Israel.”

Rabbi Touboul was buried on Tuesday at the Mount of Olives Cemetery in Jerusalem.
ZAKA’s French head also added that tonight, a French aircraft will land at Ben Gurion Airport, carrying three coffins with the bodies of Jews who died in France from the coronavirus to be buried in Israel.
Among them will be Rabbi Hamou, a major rabbi and community leader of the Mekor Chaim community in Paris, who fought for his life for about a week in the hospital.
In the statement ZAKA begs the Jewish community in France, in Israel, and around the world, to stay home.
“Please, for your own benefit and for your families, apply the Ministry of Health guidelines to stay home, to stay alive,”  ZAKA said.
Actualité Juive, a major Jewish newspaper in France, asked in a recent report if the Jewish community is over-represented among those infected with the coronavirus in the country.
“There was, without any doubt, a certain skepticism in the community,” recognized the Chief Rabbi of France Haïm Korsia. “At first, people may have thought that the risk could not exist in their immediate family,” he added.
But today, the Jewish community has realized the emergency of the situation and the importance of staying at home, according to Actualité Juive.

The article was published on the JPost

Babi Yar, le premier grand massacre de la Shoah par balles

e 27 janvier, c’est la journée internationale dédiée à la mémoire des victimes de l’Holocauste. Cette date coïncide avec le jour de la libération du camp d’extermination d’Auschwitz-Birkenau. Entre 1941 et 1945, environ 6 millions de personnes, principalement des juifs, seront tuées par les nazis. La plupart de ces victimes sont décédées dans les camps d’extermination. Mais, une grande partie ont aussi été tuées lors de ce qu’on appelle ” la Shoah par balles “.

Babi Yar, symbole de la Shoah par balles

En 1941, l’Allemagne nazie envahit l’Union soviétique. La Wehrmacht entre dans la ville de Kiev en septembre. Le 29, les occupants nazis ordonnent aux juifs de Kiev de se rassembler, avec leurs affaires personnelles. Ils sont emmenés près de ravins sur le site de Babi Yar. C’est là que le massacre commence. Les nazis les tuent avec des fusils. Babi Yar reste l’un des massacres les plus emblématiques de cette ” Shoah par balles “. En deux jours, les nazis exécutent près de 34.000 juifs. Leurs corps sont jetés dans les ravins.

Site de Babi Yar, Ukraine
Site de Babi Yar, Ukraine Aurélie Didier
Entre 1941 et 1944, entre 120.000 et 150.000 personnes, des juifs mais aussi des Tsiganes et des prisonniers sont fusillés dans le pays.
” En Ukraine, il y a eu plusieurs centaines de Babi Yar, des petits Babi Yar dans beaucoup de petites villes. Pourquoi est-ce si important de s’en souvenir ? Parce que maintenant les nouvelles générations ne savent pas ce qu’il s’est passé. Et si on ne sait pas, si on ne s’en souvient pas, cela peut se reproduire à nouveau. “, insiste le plus grand Rabin d’Ukraine, Moshé Reuven Azman.

80 ans après, la liste des noms de dizaine de soldats nazis

Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, les autorités soviétiques occultent les massacres des juifs de Babi Yar. La situation n’évolue qu’après l’éclatement de l’URSS en 1991. Progressivement, des recherches sont menées en Ukraine avec des universitaires occidentaux et des associations juives.
Des monuments sont érigés à la mémoire des victimes. Et cette année, pour les 80 ans du massacre en septembre 2021, le nouveau centre de commémoration de la Shoah a publié une liste de noms de dizaines de soldats nazis qui ont participé à la tuerie.

Site de Babi Yar, Ukraine
Site de Babi Yar, Ukraine Aurélie Didier
Sur le site de Babi Yar, un mur des lamentations a été érigé afin de se souvenir. Pour ces juifs d’Ukraine et d’Europe, les mouvements militaires russes, occidentaux et américains font craindre le pire.
 Aujourd’hui à la frontière ukrainienne, il y a des soldats, des armes qui veulent prendre la liberté des gens. Babi Yar, c’est bien sûr le passé mais c’est aussi une alarme pour le futur“, prévient Alexander Benjamin, directeur de l’Association Juive Européenne (EJA) en Belgique.
L’Ukraine qui se souvient du passé, c’est aussi important stratégiquement et politiquement. Cela permet au pays de se rapprocher encore plus de l’Europe et de sa mémoire collective de la Shoah. Les Ukrainiens font en effet tout pour renforcer leurs liens avec les alliés occidentaux face à la Russie.
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