TSKŻ (Towarzystwo Społeczno-Kulturalne Żydów)

The TSKŻ -The Social and Cultural Association of Jews in Poland

The TSKŻ (The Social and Cultural Association of Jews in Poland) is the most important organization representing the interests of the Jewish community of Poland with 16 branches and nearly 2,000 active members.

TSKŻ aims to organize and to promote cultural events and Jewish art exhibitions, to consolidate and preserve the cultural heritage of Polish Jews, the Jewish culture among Jews and Poles, Yiddish language courses and publishing projects.

TSKŻ is very active to preserve the memory of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and of the Shoah.

They are also organizing conferences and lectures on Jewish and Israeli topics.

TSKŻ is managing welfare and health programs for its elderly members.

TSKŻ is also operating summer camps for youth and a Training & Holiday Center “Śródborowianka” in Otwock, as a place of regular meetings of the Jewish community from all over  the country.

Website: tskz.pl/?fbclid=IwAR3JWFjOB9bdkUE7qyvAzj7Gjv88KfCDafNJzHDgtIC1pdiPVpaia92r_po