Babi Yar, le premier grand massacre de la Shoah par balles

January 28, 2022
e 27 janvier, c’est la journée internationale dédiée à la mémoire des victimes de l’Holocauste. Cette date coïncide avec le jour de la libération du camp d’extermination d’Auschwitz-Birkenau. Entre 1941 et 1945, environ 6 millions de personnes, principalement des juifs, seront tuées par les nazis. La plupart de ces victimes sont décédées dans les camps d’extermination. Mais, une grande partie ont aussi été tuées lors de ce qu’on appelle ” la Shoah par balles “.

Babi Yar, symbole de la Shoah par balles

En 1941, l’Allemagne nazie envahit l’Union soviétique. La Wehrmacht entre dans la ville de Kiev en septembre. Le 29, les occupants nazis ordonnent aux juifs de Kiev de se rassembler, avec leurs affaires personnelles. Ils sont emmenés près de ravins sur le site de Babi Yar. C’est là que le massacre commence. Les nazis les tuent avec des fusils. Babi Yar reste l’un des massacres les plus emblématiques de cette ” Shoah par balles “. En deux jours, les nazis exécutent près de 34.000 juifs. Leurs corps sont jetés dans les ravins.

Site de Babi Yar, Ukraine
Site de Babi Yar, Ukraine Aurélie Didier
Entre 1941 et 1944, entre 120.000 et 150.000 personnes, des juifs mais aussi des Tsiganes et des prisonniers sont fusillés dans le pays.
” En Ukraine, il y a eu plusieurs centaines de Babi Yar, des petits Babi Yar dans beaucoup de petites villes. Pourquoi est-ce si important de s’en souvenir ? Parce que maintenant les nouvelles générations ne savent pas ce qu’il s’est passé. Et si on ne sait pas, si on ne s’en souvient pas, cela peut se reproduire à nouveau. “, insiste le plus grand Rabin d’Ukraine, Moshé Reuven Azman.

80 ans après, la liste des noms de dizaine de soldats nazis

Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, les autorités soviétiques occultent les massacres des juifs de Babi Yar. La situation n’évolue qu’après l’éclatement de l’URSS en 1991. Progressivement, des recherches sont menées en Ukraine avec des universitaires occidentaux et des associations juives.
Des monuments sont érigés à la mémoire des victimes. Et cette année, pour les 80 ans du massacre en septembre 2021, le nouveau centre de commémoration de la Shoah a publié une liste de noms de dizaines de soldats nazis qui ont participé à la tuerie.

Site de Babi Yar, Ukraine
Site de Babi Yar, Ukraine Aurélie Didier
Sur le site de Babi Yar, un mur des lamentations a été érigé afin de se souvenir. Pour ces juifs d’Ukraine et d’Europe, les mouvements militaires russes, occidentaux et américains font craindre le pire.
 Aujourd’hui à la frontière ukrainienne, il y a des soldats, des armes qui veulent prendre la liberté des gens. Babi Yar, c’est bien sûr le passé mais c’est aussi une alarme pour le futur“, prévient Alexander Benjamin, directeur de l’Association Juive Européenne (EJA) en Belgique.
L’Ukraine qui se souvient du passé, c’est aussi important stratégiquement et politiquement. Cela permet au pays de se rapprocher encore plus de l’Europe et de sa mémoire collective de la Shoah. Les Ukrainiens font en effet tout pour renforcer leurs liens avec les alliés occidentaux face à la Russie.

Additional Articles

Detectives investigate Nazi salutes at the Dachau concentration camp

Local police in Bavaria, Germany, say two men allegedly filmed themselves in Dachau giving the Nazi salute in front of Jourhaus, the entrance to the concentration camp. While there were allegedly three visitors with them, it was two who gave the salute.
The alleged perpetrators recorded themselves displaying the offensive sign. a witness also apparently recorded the event. The perpetrators said they were drunk, and they gave the salute “as a joke.”
Read more

Board letter to Ministers of Interior of the United Kingdom, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Hungary, and the Netherlands

United Kingdom:

Dear Rt. Hon. Secretary of State Ms Braverman,

Re: Granting Citizenship to Hostages held by Hamas in Gaza

We, Jewish Leaders, write with an urgent request that could – quite literally – save the lives of the hostages being held by Hamas.

You are doubtless aware that Hamas has released a trickle of hostages from the over 200 abducted following their inhuman massacre in Israel on October 7th. The taken include babies, toddlers, children, the elderly and the infirm.

We ask you, as part of a European wide effort with fellow Ministers in other Member States, to take responsibility for a number of hostages by granting them citizenship, even if temporary.

We would be happy to provide you with a list of names and details.

The granting of citizenship and the protections afforded by such citizenship would undoubtedly save lives and avoid a despicable spectacle last witnessed in the death camps: a selection of Jews.

We cannot allow this to happen. We implore you to do all that you can to free the hostages by granting them citizenship of your country.

We stand ready to help, day or night.

Thanking you in advance for your urgent consideration and attention and very much look forward to hearing from your office.

With most respectful regards

Yours sincerely,



Your Excellency Minister of Interior Dr. Karner,

Re: Granting Citizenship to Hostages held by Hamas in Gaza

We, Jewish Leaders, write with an urgent request that could – quite literally – save the lives of the hostages being held by Hamas.

You are doubtless aware that Hamas has released a trickle of hostages from the over 200 abducted following their inhuman massacre in Israel on October 7th. The taken include babies, toddlers, children, the elderly and the infirm.

We ask you, as part of a European wide effort with fellow Ministers in other Member States, to take responsibility for a number of hostages by granting them citizenship, even if temporary.

We would be happy to provide you with a list of names and details.

The granting of citizenship and the protections afforded by such citizenship would undoubtedly save lives and avoid a despicable spectacle last witnessed in the death camps: a selection of Jews.

We cannot allow this to happen. We implore you to do all that you can to free the hostages by granting them citizenship of your country.

We stand ready to help, day or night.

Thanking you in advance for your urgent consideration and attention and very much look forward to hearing from your office.

With most respectful regards

Yours sincerely,



Your Excellency Minister of the Interior Dr. Kamiński,

Re: Granting Citizenship to Hostages held by Hamas in Gaza

We, Jewish Leaders, write with an urgent request that could – quite literally – save the lives of the hostages being held by Hamas.

You are doubtless aware that Hamas has released a trickle of hostages from the over 200 abducted following their inhuman massacre in Israel on October 7th. The taken include babies, toddlers, children, the elderly and the infirm.

We ask you, as part of a European wide effort with fellow Ministers in other Member States, to take responsibility for a number of hostages by granting them citizenship, even if temporary.

We would be happy to provide you with a list of names and details.

The granting of citizenship and the protections afforded by such citizenship would undoubtedly save lives and avoid a despicable spectacle last witnessed in the death camps: a selection of Jews.

We cannot allow this to happen. We implore you to do all that you can to free the hostages by granting them citizenship of your country.

We stand ready to help, day or night.

Thanking you in advance for your urgent consideration and attention and very much look forward to hearing from your office.

With most respectful regards

Yours sincerely,


Czech Republic:

Your Excellency Minister of Interior Dr. Rakušan,

Re: Granting Citizenship to Hostages held by Hamas in Gaza

We, Jewish Leaders, write with an urgent request that could – quite literally – save the lives of the hostages being held by Hamas.

You are doubtless aware that Hamas has released a trickle of hostages from the over 200 abducted following their inhuman massacre in Israel on October 7th. The taken include babies, toddlers, children, the elderly and the infirm.

We ask you, as part of a European wide effort with fellow Ministers in other Member States, to take responsibility for a number of hostages by granting them citizenship, even if temporary.

We would be happy to provide you with a list of names and details.

The granting of citizenship and the protections afforded by such citizenship would undoubtedly save lives and avoid a despicable spectacle last witnessed in the death camps: a selection of Jews.

We cannot allow this to happen. We implore you to do all that you can to free the hostages by granting them citizenship of your country.

We stand ready to help, day or night.

Thanking you in advance for your urgent consideration and attention and very much look forward to hearing from your office.

With most respectful regards

Yours sincerely,



Your Excellency Minister of the Interior Dr. Faeser,

Re: Granting Citizenship to Hostages held by Hamas in Gaza

Her Excellency Madam Nancy Faeser Federal Minister of the Interior and Community Federal Republic of Germany

We, Jewish Leaders, write with an urgent request that could – quite literally – save the lives of the hostages being held by Hamas.

You are doubtless aware that Hamas has released a trickle of hostages from the over 200 abducted following their inhuman massacre in Israel on October 7th. The taken include babies, toddlers, children, the elderly and the infirm.

We ask you, as part of a European wide effort with fellow Ministers in other Member States, to take responsibility for a number of hostages by granting them citizenship, even if temporary.

We would be happy to provide you with a list of names and details.

The granting of citizenship and the protections afforded by such citizenship would undoubtedly save lives and avoid a despicable spectacle last witnessed in the death camps: a selection of Jews.

We cannot allow this to happen. We implore you to do all that you can to free the hostages by granting them citizenship of your country.

We stand ready to help, day or night.

Thanking you in advance for your urgent consideration and attention and very much look forward to hearing from your office.

With most respectful regards

Yours sincerely,



Your Excellency Minister of the Interior Mr. Darmanin,

Re: Granting Citizenship to Hostages held by Hamas in Gaza

We, Jewish Leaders, write with an urgent request that could – quite literally – save the lives of the hostages being held by Hamas.

You are doubtless aware that Hamas has released a trickle of hostages from the over 200 abducted following their inhuman massacre in Israel on October 7th. The taken include babies, toddlers, children, the elderly and the infirm.

We ask you, as part of a European wide effort with fellow Ministers in other Member States, to take responsibility for a number of hostages by granting them citizenship, even if temporary.

We would be happy to provide you with a list of names and details.

The granting of citizenship and the protections afforded by such citizenship would undoubtedly save lives and avoid a despicable spectacle last witnessed in the death camps: a selection of Jews.

We cannot allow this to happen. We implore you to do all that you can to free the hostages by granting them citizenship of your country.

We stand ready to help, day or night.

Thanking you in advance for your urgent consideration and attention and very much look forward to hearing from your office.

With most respectful regards

Yours sincerely,



Your Excellency Minister of Interior Dr. Pintér,

Re: Granting Citizenship to Hostages held by Hamas in Gaza

We, Jewish Leaders, write with an urgent request that could – quite literally – save the lives of the hostages being held by Hamas.

You are doubtless aware that Hamas has released a trickle of hostages from the over 200 abducted following their inhuman massacre in Israel on October 7th. The taken include babies, toddlers, children, the elderly and the infirm.

We ask you, as part of a European wide effort with fellow Ministers in other Member States, to take responsibility for a number of hostages by granting them citizenship, even if temporary.

We would be happy to provide you with a list of names and details.

The granting of citizenship and the protections afforded by such citizenship would undoubtedly save lives and avoid a despicable spectacle last witnessed in the death camps: a selection of Jews.

We cannot allow this to happen. We implore you to do all that you can to free the hostages by granting them citizenship of your country.

We stand ready to help, day or night.

Thanking you in advance for your urgent consideration and attention and very much look forward to hearing from your office.

With most respectful regards

Yours sincerely,

_________________________________________________________________________________________The Netherlands:

Your Excellency Minister of the Interior Dr. de Jonge,

Re: Granting Citizenship to Hostages held by Hamas in Gaza

H.E. Mr Hugo de Jonge Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations The Netherlands

We, Jewish Leaders, write with an urgent request that could – quite literally – save the lives of the hostages being held by Hamas.

You are doubtless aware that Hamas has released a trickle of hostages from the over 200 abducted following their inhuman massacre in Israel on October 7th. The taken include babies, toddlers, children, the elderly and the infirm.

We ask you, as part of a European wide effort with fellow Ministers in other Member States, to take responsibility for a number of hostages by granting them citizenship, even if temporary.

We would be happy to provide you with a list of names and details.

The granting of citizenship and the protections afforded by such citizenship would undoubtedly save lives and avoid a despicable spectacle last witnessed in the death camps: a selection of Jews.

We cannot allow this to happen. We implore you to do all that you can to free the hostages by granting them citizenship of your country.

We stand ready to help, day or night.

Thanking you in advance for your urgent consideration and attention and very much look forward to hearing from your office.

With most respectful regards

Yours sincerely,


New Cooperation with The NIG de Achterhoek

The European Jewish Association is proud and delighted to welcome another organisation to our growing roster of partners and communities.
We have just concluded and signed a memorandum of understanding with NIG de Achterhoek. (Jewish community of Achterhoek, Netherlands)
When two dynamic and active Jewish organisations get together and agree to work closely together, beautiful and important things flow from this. We look forward to working for the betterment of Dutch and European Jewry together.


European Parliament President Roberta Metsola receives King David Award

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola on Monday was awarded the King David Award by the European Jewish Association for “her support to the Jewish community in Europe,” the multinational body announced.

Metsola received the award after she visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp to commemorate victims of the Holocaust.

During the visit, Metsola laid a wreath at the Death Wall and attended a memorial ceremony, the European Parliament said.

“I struggled to comprehend how a quiet part of the world, surrounded by beautiful Birch trees, provided the setting for the worst crimes man has ever seen,” Metsola said, adding that the entire world must know the “horror that stems from indifference.”

Metsola added that the King David Award “will serve to me as a continuous reminder of those heinous crimes committed against humanity in the past and to recall the importance of speaking up in defense of our common values today.”

Additional Communities
United Kingdom