Swedish Prime Minister assures EJA he will step up fight on Swedish anti-Semitism

January 16, 2018

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven has personally written to EJA founder and Director Rabbi Menachem Margolin with an assurance that he has tasked his government to propose “additional measures” to those already in place to combat anti-Semitism in Sweden.
In his letter Prime Minister Lofven expressed that he would continue to “take every possible step to protect the Swedish Jewish communities and to ensure that they can live here in safety and without fear”
Rabbi Margolin had written to the Prime Minister outlining his alarm at the deteriorating situation in Sweden for Jews there, with Neo-Nazis wanting to march past synagogues, hate speech and threats at demonstrations in Malmo, and the fire-bombing of a synagogue in Gothenburg.
Rabbi Margolin welcomed the letter today’
‘It was heartening to receive a letter so full of conviction. We particularly welcome the Prime Minister’s clear and unambiguous words that ‘there is no place for anti-Semitism in Swedish society’ and that ‘The perpetrators will be held to account.’
The hope that the Swedish government will consult with the communities in Sweden to decide on the ‘additional measures’ to be taken. Many members complain of a lack of willingness to prosecute clear those who engage in anti-semitic remarks, paint graffiti, or hold up or publish anti-Semitic imagery to date.
Let us hope that the Prime Minister and his government follow up on his encouraging letter with real and tangible actions. The EJA stands ready to help and advise the Swedish government in this important task. Anti-Semites cannot be allowed to take heart from Sweden and seek to export their hate to other EU member states. That would be a disaster.
Therefore, Sweden must be strong on actions, as much as their words”

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Auschwitz survivor decries rise of antisemitism, far-right in Germany

Eva Szepesi tells German parliament that the Holocaust ‘began with words, it began with society staying silent and looking away’

The Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/auschwitz-survivor-decries-rise-of-antisemitism-far-right-in-germany/

BERLIN — A Jewish survivor of the Auschwitz death camp told Germany’s parliament Wednesday that she is appalled by the rising strength of the far right in the country and increasing antisemitism in the wake of the October 7 Hamas attack that triggered the war in the Gaza Strip.

Eva Szepesi, 91, who was born in Hungary and liberated from Auschwitz at age 12 in January 1945, spoke at the parliament’s annual memorial event for victims of the Holocaust. She shared her memories of Nazi persecution and addressed concerns about the current situation in Germany.

“I would like not just for murdered Jews to be remembered on memorial days but also for living ones to be remembered in daily life. They need protection now,” Szepesi told lawmakers.

Germany saw a significant increase in anti-Jewish incidents following the attack on Israel. Szepesi said some of her readings at schools were called off for security reasons shortly after October 7 and her most recent such events took place under police protection.

“The Shoah (Holocaust) did not begin with Auschwitz. It began with words, it began with society staying silent and looking away,” she said. “It pains me when schoolchildren are again afraid of going to school just because they are Jews; it pains me when my great-grandchildren still have to be protected by police officers with machine guns just because they are Jews.”

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Szepesi also decried the strengthening of the far right in Germany, where recent national polls showed the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in second place with support of around 20%. A recent news report said some party members attended a recent meeting where right-wing extremists discussed deporting millions of immigrants and people with immigrant roots, including some with German citizenship.


The railway tracks where hundred thousands of people arrived to be directed to the gas chambers inside the former Nazi death camp of Auschwitz Birkenau, December 7, 2019. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber, file)

“It appalls me that right-wing extremist parties are again being voted for,” Szepesi said. “They must not become so strong that our democracy is endangered.”

Hundreds of thousands of German citizens attended protests against the far right this month.

“It’s great that so many people have taken to the streets in recent weeks to demonstrate against right-wing extremists,” Szepesi told parliament. “But I would like these demonstrators also to object loudly among acquaintances and at the workplace when inhuman and antisemitic comments are made.”

New Cooperation with The NIG de Achterhoek

The European Jewish Association is proud and delighted to welcome another organisation to our growing roster of partners and communities.
We have just concluded and signed a memorandum of understanding with NIG de Achterhoek. (Jewish community of Achterhoek, Netherlands)
When two dynamic and active Jewish organisations get together and agree to work closely together, beautiful and important things flow from this. We look forward to working for the betterment of Dutch and European Jewry together.

EU Jewish leader calls on european governments to immediately grant citizenship to remaining hostages after hamas set to release 50 dual-nationals

Rabbi Menachem Margolin, EJA Chairman: “Don’t Force Jews to once again go through a selection.”

(Brussels 23 October 2023) Responding to news that Hamas will release 50 hostages of dual nationality, European Jewish Association Chairman Rabbi Menachem Margolin, who heads the organisation that represents hundreds of communities across the continent, called on European governents to immediately grant citizenship to the remaining hostages, urging them not to put Jews through another selection process.

In a statement today, the EJA Chairman said

“If Hamas are now releasing hostages with dual nationalities the answer is clear. Every European government should immediately grant citizenship to the remaining hostages.

 “I urge European governments most sincerely, please don’t force Jews to once again go through a selection.”

У Києві до Дня пам’яті жертв Голокосту почався міжнародний симпозіум, присвячений трагедії Бабиного Яру.

Як передає кореспондент Укрінформу, захід організовує Європейська єврейська асоціація (EJA) спільно з Меморіальним центром Голокосту «Бабин Яр» та Федерацією єврейських громад України.
В рамках симпозіуму відбудуться панельні дискусії, присвячені історії Голокосту та боротьбі з антисемітизмом, обговорюватимуться просвітницькі ініціативи за визначеною тематикою. Засновник і президент організації «Яхад-Ін Унум» отець Патрік Дебуа виступить з доповіддю про історію трагедії Бабиного Яру, раніше не відомі факти про катастрофу й політику замовчування в СРСР.
«Ми не можемо полишити це уроком історії. Це не лише історія, але і те, що актуально сьогодні, як і раніше. Ця ненависть, на жаль, не лише існує, але і продовжує зростати», – звернувся до учасників симпозіуму глава EJA Рабин Менахем Марголін.
Читайте також: Будинок контори єврейського кладовища передали для створення Музею жертв Бабиного Яру
Захід проходить за участю членів українського уряду, Голови Верховної Ради, представників Європарламенту, Сейму Польщі та парламентів інших європейських країн, посольства Ізраїлю в Україні та членів єврейських організацій.
«Єдиною запорукою порятунку від попередження і повторення таких жахіть є памʼять. І українці відчувають себе солідарними з мільйонами людей доброї волі у всьому світі, обʼєднані рішучістю убезпечити людство від руйнівних наслідків людиноненависництва, расизму та ксенофобії», – зазначив у виступі спікер Верховної Ради Руслан Стефанчук.
Під час Другої світової війни нацисти, які зайняли Київ, використовували урочище Бабин Яр як місце масових розстрілів цивільного населення, головним чином євреїв. 29 вересня 1941 року за наказом окупаційної адміністрації все єврейське населення було зобов’язане з’явитися до Бабиного Яру. Людей групами проводили через пропускний пункт, після чого заганяли на край яру і розстрілювали. Цього та наступного дня жертвами розправи стало 33 771 особа.
Читайте також: «Бабин Яр. Контекст» Лозниці номінували на премію Європейської кіноакадемії
Загалом масові вбивства в урочищі тривали до самого відходу нацистів із міста. У Бабиному Яру розстріляли більш як 100 тисяч людей.

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