
August 11, 2020

Facebook should have a clear policy to fight antisemitism!
We at EJA are calling Facebook to adopt the IHRA definition for antisemitism!
Define it to fight it!!!
join us and many other organizations around the world in our call for Facebook- lets make a change.

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Polish legislation to outlaw blaming Poland for any crimes committed during the Holocaust.

Rabbi Menachem Margolin, General Director of the European Jewish Association (EJA), calls upon Polish President Andrzej Duda, to exercise his constitutional rights and veto the shameful resolution of the Polish lower house of Parliament (Sejm) which took place on International Holocaust Memorial day.

Rabbi Margolin expressed his hope that the heads of all Polish political parties will come to their sences and revoke the resolutions by themselves.

“This legislation is a slap in the face – especially coming on International Holocaust Memorial Day – not only to the victims and to history but also to those Polish citizens who were deemed Righteous gentiles and saved Jews from Nazi extermination , who stood in stark contrast to those (too many) Polish citizens who cooperated with the Nazis”

Rabbi Margolin has instructed the EJA’s legal advisors to examine all legal avenues to revoke this shameful bil in the Polish Constitutional court and emphesized that in addition to the work in Poland, the EJA will conduct a campaign in the European Parliament and other EU institutions to have the bill revoked.

Please Watch Rabbi Margolin addressing the Polish Prime Minister on the issue:

Ror more info go HERE

Meeting with H.E. Evarist Bartolo, Minister for Education and Employment of the Republic of Malta.

Earlier today a delegation composed of representatives from the European Jewish Association (Alex Benjamin, Director of Public Affairs), our partners from the Action and Protection Foundation /Hungary/ (Ferenc Olti, Board Member of the Hungarian Jewish Cultural Association and Kálmán Szalai, Secretary) as well as Chabad Jewish Centre of Malta (Rabbi Chaim Segal and Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Segal, Co-Directors) has met with H.E. Evarist Bartolo, Minister for Education and Employment of the Republic of Malta, and members of his secretariat.

The main topic of discussion has been the European Curriculum and Textbook Project against Antisemitism, which is based on a successful seven-year-long initiative recently concluded in Hungary. Earlier this year it has also received a “best practice” status from the European Commission. The cornerstone of the initiative is better familiarisation of youth with the history, culture and contributions of the European and local Jewish community, thereby facilitating mutual understanding, social dialogue and, of course, being able to more effectively combat and even prevent expressions of Antisemitism.

The project’s main idea is to adapt some of the Hungarian initiative’s elements in national educational curriculums – with, of course, the utmost consideration to local rules and practices. In order to do that, we approach national and/or regional educational authorities and professionals across the EU with the aim of establishing a dialogue, which might later transform into concrete proposals and potentially implemented items to be studied by the younger generation.

In the course of a productive conversation lasting more than an hour, touching upon the various aspects of the project, H.E. Mr. Minister has reciprocated interest in cooperation. We are most grateful to His Excellency and look forward to a fruitful partnership.

That said, this is just the first of many such meetings prospectively taking place in a number of EU Member States. More shall take place over the coming months.

Europese joden reageren met afschuw op afbeelding gele ster tijdens coronabetoging

“Ik heb moeite om de gelijkenis te zien tussen gevraagd worden om een vaccin te nemen tijdens een pandemie, of de gevolgen te dragen als je dat niet doet, en tussen het systematisch uitmoorden van zes miljoen Joden in vernietigingskampen, gaskamers of massale schietpartijen aan open graven”, aldus Margolin.

“Het maakt me ziek om te bedenken hoe weinig mensen de pijn begrijpen die dergelijke spandoeken veroorzaken, en hoe weinig mensen echt begrip en waardering hebben voor de enorme omvang en magnitude van de holocaust. Aan degenen die vandaag marcheerden met een grote gele ster, zeg ik dit: doe dit niet”, vertelt hij. “Hoe je je ook voelt over de coronabeperkingen, niemand tatoeëert jouw armen, niemand drijft jou op veewagens, en niemand wil dat jij, jouw familie en jouw geliefden sterven. Zorg er in de eerste plaats voor dat je kennis vergaart en dat je weet wat deze gele ster werkelijk vertegenwoordigt”, aldus de rabbi.


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שעון הזהב של היטלר, נייר טואלט וסכו"ם של בכירים נאצים: עשרות מנהיגים יהודים נגד המכירה הפומבית בארה"ב

שרות מנהיגי ארגונים יהודים באירופה קוראים לבית מכירות פומביות בארה”ב – לבטל מכירה הצפויה להיערך מחר (שישי), שבמסגרתה יוצעו למכירה מגוון רחב של פריטים שהיו בבעלותו של אדולף היטלר, זוגתו אווה בראון, ובכירים במפלגה הנאצית ובצבא.

למעלה מ-30 מנהיגי קהילות וארגונים יהודים אירופאים הצטרפו לקריאתו של יו”ר איגוד הארגונים היהודים באירופה (EJA), הרב מנחם מרגולין, לבטל מכירה פומבית שמתוכננת להתקיים מחר בבית המכירות אלכסנדר במדינת מרילנד בארה”ב, שבה יימכרו שלל פריטים נאציים. בין הפריטים המוצעים למכירה ניתן למצוא את שעון הזהב של היטלר, קולר השייך לכלב של אווה בראון, נייר טואלט וורמאכט וסכו”ם וכוסות שמפניה של בכירים נאצים.

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