German Football Association president urged to resign after Nazi remark

May 3, 2021

The remark triggered a storm of criticism and Keller has since apologized

German Football Association (DFB) president Fritz Keller faced calls to resign on Sunday after he sparked outrage by comparing his deputy to a Nazi judge.

Presidents of the DFB’s regional associations, which run Germany’s semi-professional and amateur leagues, announced after weekend crisis talks that Keller had lost a vote of confidence and has been “asked to step down from his position.”

DFB general secretary Friedrich Curtius was likewise asked to vacate his role after losing a confidence vote.

The turmoil comes after Keller in a recent meeting likened DFB vice-president Rainer Koch to Roland Freisler, the infamous head of the Nazi party’s court in the 1940s.

Freisler was also a participant at 1942’s Wannsee Conference, where it was decided that 11 million Jews should be exterminated.

The remark triggered a storm of criticism and Keller has since apologized to Koch, acknowledging that his words were “totally inappropriate, notably towards the victims of Nazism.”

Keller ruled out stepping down over the incident, however. Koch has not said that he has accepted the apology.

In a statement, the leaders of the DFB’s five regional and 21 state associations called Keller’s Nazi reference “completely unacceptable” and said they condemned it “in the strongest possible terms.”

“The president’s comments are incompatible with the principles and values of the associations,” they added.

According to the statement, Keller and Curtius have asked for time to consider the resignation requests.

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Joël Mergui: ”Malgré les efforts de l’UE pour lutter contre l’antisémitisme, la situation ne s’améliore pas en Europe.Pire, elle se détériore”

“Alors que les institutions et les hommes politiques européens consacrent des ressources importantes et ne ménagent pas leurs efforts dans la lutte contre l’antisémitisme, la situation ne s’améliore pas en Europe. Pire, elle se détériore”, a déclaré Joël Mergui, président du Consistoire central israélite de France, alors qu’il s’adressait mardi à une conférence de dirigeants juifs organisée à Bruxelles par l’Association juive européenne (EJA).
”Il est temps de regarder la réalité en face. La lutte contre l’antisémitisme ne peut se réduire à l’isolement et à la pénalisation des actes antisémites. Cette pénalisation est bien sûr essentielle. Les auteurs d’actes antisémites ne doivent jamais rester impunis. Mais pour être réellement efficace, la lutte contre l’antisémitisme doit s’attaquer à la racine du problème”, a-t-il ajouté.
Selon M. Mergui, l’Europe doit lancer des initiatives concrètes dans le domaine de l’éducation pour combattre les stéréotypes anti-juifs. ”Elle doit également valoriser l’héritage et la contribution du judaïsme et rappeler sans cesse que la spiritualité juive fait partie intégrante de la culture européenne.”
Ses remarques sont intervenues alors qu’une nouvelle enquête exhaustive sur les préjugés antisémites dans 16 pays européens a été dévoilée avant la conférence. Les résultats de l’enquête semblent plutôt inquiétants.
La Ligue d’action et de protection (AP) – partenaire de l’EJA – a commandé l’enquête avec IPSOS SA, sous la direction du professeur András Kovács de l’Université d’Europe centrale de Vienne-Budapest, en prenant 16 pays européens et en posant des questions directes aux répondants, et en assurant un suivi lorsque cela semblait nécessaire. Les pays interrogés sont l’Autriche, la Belgique, la République tchèque, la France, l’Allemagne, la Grèce, la Hongrie, l’Italie, la Lettonie, les Pays-Bas, la Pologne, la Roumanie, la Slovaquie, l’Espagne, la Suède et le Royaume-Uni.
L’enquête montre que la Grèce, la Pologne et la Hongrie sont les pays européens où les préjugés antisémites sont les plus répandus. Mais malgré un niveau élevé d’attitudes anisémites, ces trois pays sont rarement témoins d’attaques violentes contre les Juifs, alors que les pays qui connaissent des attaques plus fréquentes contre les Juifs, en Europe occidentale, sont souvent ceux qui affichent les taux les plus bas de préjugés antisémites.
Parmi les chiffres inquiétants, citons :
Près d’un tiers des personnes interrogées en Autriche, en Hongrie et en Pologne ont déclaré que les Juifs ne seront jamais en mesure de s’intégrer pleinement dans la société.
Près d’un tiers sont d’accord pour dire qu’il existe un réseau juif secret qui influence les affaires politiques et économiques dans le monde. (Roumanie – 29% ; France – 28% ; République tchèque – 23% ).
En Espagne, 35% des personnes interrogées ont déclaré que les Israéliens se comportent comme des nazis à l’égard des Palestiniens ; 29% ont dit la même chose aux Pays-Bas ; et 26% étaient d’accord avec cette affirmation en Suède.
En Lettonie, un peu plus d’un tiers – 34% – a déclaré que les Juifs exploitent la victimisation de l’Holocauste à leurs propres fins ; 23% étaient d’accord en Allemagne ; et 22% en Belgique.

Un quart de toutes les personnes interrogées sont d’accord avec l’affirmation selon laquelle les politiques d’Israël leur font comprendre pourquoi certaines personnes détestent les Juifs.
“Les Juifs d’Europe doivent proposer des plans d’action spécifiques à leurs gouvernements ainsi qu’au niveau européen”, a déclaré le rabbin Shlomo Koves, fondateur de l’APL et initiateur de l’enquête. “Nous devons prendre notre destin en main si nous voulons que nos petits-enfants puissent vivre en Europe dans 20 à 50 ans”, a-t-il ajouté.
La conférence de Bruxelles, qui durera deux jours, réunira des dizaines de dirigeants, de parlementaires et de diplomates juifs européens de premier plan, dont Margaritis Schinas, vice-présidente de la Commission européenne, ainsi que le président d’Israël Isaac Herzog et le ministre des affaires de la diaspora Nachman Shai, qui s’adresseront à l’assemblée depuis Jérusalem.
La Commission européenne a présenté la semaine dernière la toute première stratégie européenne de lutte contre l’antisémitisme et de promotion de la vie juive.
Face à la montée inquiétante de l’antisémitisme, en Europe et au-delà, la stratégie vise à définir une série de mesures articulées autour de trois piliers : prévenir toutes les formes d’antisémitisme, protéger et encourager la vie juive et promouvoir la recherche, l’éducation et la mémoire de l’Holocauste.
“Alors que nous félicitons les institutions européennes d’avoir augmenté les ressources, l’expertise et les fonds importants pour lutter contre l’antisémitisme, nous sommes actuellement bien en retard dans la lutte contre sa propagation, comme le montrent les résultats inquiétants de l’enquête de nos partenaires. Notre plan pour relancer ce processus implique l’adoption de nos ‘dix commandements’ pour combattre l’antisémitisme, qui seront portés par des groupes de travail parlementaires de toute l’Europe”, a déclaré le leader de l’Association juive européenne, le rabbin Menachem Margolin.
Dans ses remarques, Joel Mergui a déclaré que l’Europe doit également s’engager à préserver la liberté de conscience et de culte. “Elle doit condamner les lois punitives sur les anciennes pratiques religieuses de l’abattage rituel et de la circoncision”, a-t-il dit en référence à l’interdiction en Belgique de la shechita, l’abattage casher juif.
”Ces libertés sont les garants de la pérennité du judaïsme sur le continent. Elles ne sont pas négociables. Les Juifs sont un baromètre de la liberté : s’ils peuvent vivre pleinement leur identité juive, tout le monde le peut aussi”, a déclaré M. Mergui.
”La liberté de religion des juifs est un baromètre de la liberté, si les juifs peuvent vivre pleinement leur identité, tout le monde le peut aussi”, a-t-il conclu.
La France compte la plus grande communauté juive d’Europe.

Jewish headstones smashed at Greek cemetery

Jewish Community of Athens spokesman says: “the scene is repulsive and our disappointment is great” after vandals carried out attack during early hours of Shabbat

 A Jewish cemetery near Athens that was desecrated with neo-Nazi symbols two years ago has once again be vandalised.
A press release by the Jewish Community of Athens said: “On Saturday, the most holy day in Judaism, it is imperative and we are accustomed to abstain from everyday activities and, of course, from announcements. In the context of this almost absolute rigor of observance of the Sabbath holiday, there are exceptions that have to do with dealing with the threat of a life or a great pain.
“Such is the pain that caused us, today, on Saturday, May 5, 2018, the revelation of a new wave of vandalism in the Jewish Cemetery of Athens. Unknown vandals entered our Cemetery during the night and destroyed nine commemorative marble struts kicking them with fury, leaving them to peel off their bases and crushing them on the ground. These marble slabs are used to mark the sectors of our Cemetery and are dedicated to the memory of the dead by their families.
“The scene is repulsive and our disappointment is great. This is not the first time we see the result of a degrading act at our Cemetery but it is the first time we see such act was organised and planned in part of the Cemetery that is not visible from the neighboring houses and with incredible fury. The view of the results of this abominable act causes us deep sorrow and anger.
“The Jewish Community of Athens will exercise all the legal means at its disposal, the first steps have already been taken by the police authorities that immediately came to the collection of clues.
“But besides the Law, we call upon all the institutions of the State and the City, the Justice, the Religious and Spiritual Authorities of the country and the Civil Society, to condemn unambiguously and without reservation this desecration and to stand with absolutely zero tolerance against such phenomena of violence and intolerance. There is no worse sign of a society’s moral decline than desecration of a Cemetery and disrespect for the dead.
“It is not just an act that concerns only our Community and is recorded as one of the most violent and significant anti-Semitic events of recent years in Greece. It is about an act that brutally affects the whole of society, the values and principles of a favored state.
For these reason, we ask everybody to exhaust every effort to never allow such acts against anyone.”
In October 2015, parties who have not been identified wrote in black paint on the entrance to the same cemetery south of the Greek capital the number 18 – a neo-Nazi code for Adolf Hitler — and the word “raus” – German for “out.” In Nazi Germany, the phrase Juden raus, “Jews out,” was a common slogan among anti-Semites. They also painted a swastika on the cemetery’s gate.
Greece’s Golden Dawn party is widely considered one of Europe’s most virulent neo-Nazi movements with representation in a national parliament. It holds 16 seats out of 300 in the Greek parliament.
The Nikaia Jewish cemetery is an active and relatively new place of burial. The community has been burying its dead there since shortly after World War II, when city authorities allocated the land to the community for this purpose.
The article was published on the Jewish News Online

Are the Abraham Accords stronger thant the war between Israel and Hamas?

”We want everyone to acknowledge and accept that Israel is there to exist and that the roots of Jews, Christian are not in New York or Paris but here in our region. They are part of our history and they should be part of our future,’’ said Dr Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi, Chairman of the Defense, Interior and Foreign Affairs Committee of the United Arab Emirates Federal National Council.

‘’From the United Arab Emirates perspective, the Abraham Accords are there to stay,’’ said Dr Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi, Chairman of the Defense, Interior and Foreign Affairs Committee of the UAE Federal National Council, who played a leading role in the 2020 accords which normalized relations between Israel and several Arab countries.

”This the third war in Gaza. Whenever there is something happening in Gaza, people come to us and ask: ‘What do you think of the Abraham Accords. Are you going to change ? ‘’

‘’The Accords are our future. It is not an agreement between two governements but a platform that we believe should transform the region where everyone will enjoy security, stability and prosperity,” he said as reports say that Iran’s main interest was—and remains—to prevent the United States from brokering Saudi-Israel normalization.

‘’This is a  people to people engagement. This is what we need. We want everyone to acknowledge and accept that Israel is there to exist and that the roots of Jews, Christian are not in New York or  Paris but here in our region. They are part of our history and they should be part of our future,’’ added Dr Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi, during a special online briefing organized by the European Jewish Association (EJA) together with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the largest pro-Israel adocacy group in the U.S.

‘’We want to change the educational system and religious narrative. It is very important to understand that there are enemies for what we are doing. Those terrorist organisations don’t respect human life. Don’t let them achieve their goals. No person with a human feeling and common sense will agree with the barbarian terrorist attack that Hamas committed on October 7. No one,’’ he added.

He stressed the need to differenciate between Hamas and the Palestinian people. ‘’Our enemies took advantage of this. We need those who believe in peace in Europe, the US and everywhere to counter the hate narrative that we see in demonstrations in Paris and London.’’

Other speakers included Nicola Beer, Vice-President of the European Parliament who noted that the Abraham Accords ‘’are a good tool to support Israel and peace in the region.’’

‘’We need to make a difference between terrorists and the Palestinian people. The aggressor is Hamas and not Israel. We need to fight against terror everywhere,’’ she said.

‘’We stand strong with Israel and its right to defend itself against Hamas terror. We also understand that in the long run there must be peace for the people of Israel, Palestine and the whole Middle East.’’

On the EU’s position during a vote of a resolution on the war at the United Nations General Assembly last week, the German MEP from the Renew group, criticized those EU countries who voted in favor of a text that didn’t even mention the Hamas massacres committed in south of Israel.

‘’I would like all countries in the EU to vote like the Czech Republic and Austria who voted against,’’ she said.

U.S. Rep. Brad Schneider (D-IL), who is co-chair and co-founder of the Abraham Accords Caucus and a member of the Hiouse of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, said : ‘’ On October 7, Hamas committed a heinous terrorist attack, brutally, barbarically slaughtering 1400 people. They used murder, torture, rape as a strategy, as a goal. This is  clearly a war crime. There is no justification for this attack. Hamas is an norganisation dedicated to the genocidal vision of eliminating the state of Israel and killing Jews. What we see now is Israel taking action to secure its borders, protect its citizens and rescue the hostages, as well as elilminating Hamas from control of Gaza and from threatening Israel.’’

Former Israeli Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Idan Roll emphasized the need to have full backing from the moderate Arab states. ‘’We want not Israel but someone else than Hamas to be responsible for the Gaza Strip. When we left Gaza in 2005, Hamas choose not to build and develop it but made it a terrorist hub.We will not go back to the same scenario.’’

‘’When we see the demonstrations in Europe, it is not about the two-state solution but about ‘ Palestine from the river to the sea’ which means no more Israel. Young people are manipulated. Anyone who supports what is going in Europe, supports terror,’’ he said.

by Yossi Lempkowicz

Why Israeli Politicians Aren’t Talking About America’s anti-Semitism Crisis, Even After Monsey

Many are fearful of saying the wrong thing, with Netanyahu and Bennett’s tone-deaf approaches to previous Diaspora attacks seemingly serving as warnings

As news of the horrific knife attack in Monsey was breaking on Saturday – the police still in pursuit of the perpetrator, the injured victims being rushed to hospitals – the CNN anchor turned to the network’s correspondent in Jerusalem for reaction.

It’s hard to imagine how, in any other circumstances, a violent crime in the heart of the United States would cause a network to turn to a foreign nation for comment. But the spate of anti-Semitic attacks on American Jews over the past few months, culminating in this month’s Jersey City and Monsey attacks, sent them to what they assumed would be a logical address for the most immediate reaction to Jewish persecution: the Jewish state.

In reality, though, Israeli leaders are now often hesitant to be among the first to speak out against anti-Semitic violence in the Diaspora. It isn’t because they aren’t deeply concerned by the phenomenon, which is being covered thoroughly in Israel, but because the odds of saying the wrong thing are high.

The degree of difficulty in devising the appropriate response has also risen in an era where anti-Semitism has become a political weapon. Israel’s leaders are justifiably fearful that the slightest slip of the tongue will be transformed into ammunition in the left-right political wars overseas, and then fired against the Jewish state itself.

That caution was evident in the defensive tone of the very first official response to the attack, provided by President Reuven Rivlin. “Anti-Semitism is not just a Jewish problem, and certainly not just the State of Israel’s problem,” Rivlin stated. “We must work together to confront this rising evil, which is a real global threat.”

Rivlin’s words set the tone for other Israeli officials. They walked a tightrope between Israel’s commitment to defending Jews around the world, refusing to stand by passively as they suffer and die at the hands of attackers, while avoiding the appearance of treading on the internal political and security matters of another country.

It took until Sunday for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to issue his carefully worded reaction at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting. “Israel strongly condemns the recent displays of anti-Semitism, including the vicious attack at the home of a rabbi in Monsey, NY, during Hanukkah,” he said. He also expressed willingness to “cooperate however possible with the local authorities in order to assist in defeating this phenomenon. We offer our assistance to every country.”

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan, meanwhile, vowed to “work tirelessly to restore the sense of personal security each and every Jew deserves,” lacing his statement with a pro-Israel advocacy message, saying that “the delegitimization and anti-Semitism we face every day has raised its ugly head once again.”

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, pushed a bit harder, calling for unspecified “action” against violent anti-Semitism, declaring that “This is a time for action, not words. … This is a time for enforcement that deters the perpetrators of hate, whoever they may be.”

Only one Israeli official – Yisrael Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman – offered up the traditional Zionist response to anti-Semitic violence in the Diaspora: Suggesting Jews could only be truly safe in their own state. “Again and again, we are witnessing the dire consequences of anti-Semitism,” he wrote. “Alongside the deep grief and best wishes for the injured, it is important to know that the main solution to such phenomena is immigration to Israel.”

Maybe it is because Lieberman is not currently serving as a government minister, or perhaps because he made his call for embattled Diaspora Jews to move to Israel in Hebrew, that the blowback was minimal.

In contrast, when Netanyahu sent the same message in 2015, following the murderous attack on a kosher grocery store in Paris, France’s Jewish community was infuriated.

Two days after the attack took place on January 9, Netanyahu responded by forming a special ministerial committee to discuss steps to encourage aliyah from France (and Europe in general), stating: “I wish to tell all French and European Jews – Israel is your home.” He reiterated that message when he visited a synagogue full of Parisian Jews shortly afterward, pointing out that “Jews these days have an opportunity that did not exist in the past: to live freely in the only Jewish state, the State of Israel.” He added that “any Jew who chooses to come to Israel will be greeted with open arms and an open heart. It is not a foreign nation, and hopefully they and you will one day come to Israel.”

There was a fierce negative reaction from France’s chief rabbi, Haïm Korsia, and other representatives of French and European Jewry. Rabbi Menachem Margolin, general director of the European Jewish Association, said Netanyahu and others “must cease this Pavlovian reaction every time Jews in Europe are attacked.”

He complained that “after every anti-Semitic attack in Europe, the Israeli government issues the same statements about the importance of aliyah, rather than employ every diplomatic and informational means at its disposal to strengthen the safety of Jewish life in Europe.” Margolin added that “every such Israeli campaign severely weakens and damages the Jewish communities that have the right to live securely wherever they are.”

France’s then-prime minister, Manuel Valls, also rejected Netanyahu’s call, stating that if 100,000 Jews left the country, “France will no longer be France. The French Republic will be judged a failure.”

Whether because Israel’s government leadership learned a lesson from the 2015 experience, or due to its general caution around American Jews, there has not been a hint of a call for American Jews to consider emigration to Israel – even after the most shocking recent anti-Semitic attacks in Pittsburgh and Poway in October 2018 and last April, respectively.

After those incidents, the official Israeli response ran into a different kind of trouble: the perception of political partisanship. Israeli officials were criticized for taking sides in the bitter round of finger-pointing that followed the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre, after supporting President Donald Trump and defending him against those who felt he had fanned the flames of white supremacism.

Then-Diaspora Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett, who visited the United States following the Pittsburgh shooting, insisted in an interview that “using the horrible anti-Semitic massacre to attack the president is unfair, it’s wrong,” adding that Trump was “a great friend of Israel and of the Jews.” And at a public event, Bennett indicated that the reaction to the massacre was overblown, saying: “This is not in any sense Germany of the ’30s, it doesn’t resemble that in any possible way.”

Bennett was slammed for stepping out of line – for lecturing, instead of listening to the pain of American Jews trying to cope with the threat of anti-Semitism. The minefield of U.S. identity politics has only grown more treacherous since, with an intensification of what pundit Benjamin Wittes calls “selective outrage” around anti-Semitism.

Increasingly, those on the right and left are pointing fingers at each other depending on who the perpetrator of an anti-Semitic attack may be, refusing to acknowledge that hatred of Jews “does not align with any simple political narrative,” Wittes wrote in The Atlantic on Sunday.

And so it is little wonder that Israeli leaders – particularly while they are consumed with their own country’s domestic political turmoil – are choosing the path of issuing carefully worded statements about Monsey and other attacks, and then, for the most part, staying out of the fray. They have much to potentially lose, and little if anything to gain.

As The Forward’s opinion editor Batya Ungar-Sargon pointed out Sunday in an op-ed titled “Why no one can talk about the attacks against Orthodox Jews,” “At a time when ideology seems to [reign] supreme in the chattering and political classes, the return of pogroms to Jewish life on American soil transcends ideology. In the fight against anti-Semitism, you don’t get to easily blame your traditional enemies – which, in the age of Trump, is a nonstarter for most people.”

Including, it seems, Israel’s political leaders.

The article was published on Haaretz

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