Palestinian ambassador only believes in the human rights of certain people

September 4, 2024

Almhaissen’s silence is a moral betrayal

When Rula Almhaissen, Palestine’s ambassador to Sweden, was recently interviewed on SVT’s 30 Minutes, her appearance showcased a selective silence that contributes to worsening the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Additionally, it risks contributing to rising antisemitism in Swedish society. She refused to condemn Hamas’ terrorist acts, ignored the growing antisemitism, and did not mention the oppression of LGBTQ+ individuals under Hamas rule. Moreover, she turned a blind eye to Hamas’ use of civilians as human shields.

Almhaissen’s selective view on human rights and her unwillingness to distance herself from all forms of extremism and hate undermine the credibility of her message about peace and justice. If she truly wants to contribute to a solution, she must speak plainly and acknowledge that hate and violence can never be justified. Her silence is not just cowardly; it is dangerous.

Most people have seen the horrific images from October 7 when Hamas carried out a brutal terrorist attack against innocent Israeli civilians, resulting in over a thousand deaths and the taking of hundreds of hostages. But despite the attacks being internationally condemned and Hamas being classified as a terrorist organization by both the EU and the US, Almhaissen avoided calling it what it is—terrorism. By not recognizing these actions as terrorism, she sends a dangerous message: that violence against civilians can be justified in the fight against Israel. How can one claim to advocate for peace while refusing to condemn such acts?

Almhaissen’s passivity becomes even more problematic when looking at the increasing antisemitism in Sweden and Europe. Jewish communities are living under growing threats, and violent hate crimes are on the rise. Despite this, she did not say a word about this problem. Ignoring antisemitism is not only irresponsible, but it also contributes to normalizing hatred against Jews. The situation in Gaza is terrible, but if she truly cares about human rights, why does she remain silent when Jews are threatened in Sweden?

Another issue completely overlooked by the ambassador was Hamas’ tactic of using civilians as human shields. Placing weapons and firing rockets from schools, hospitals, and residential areas in Gaza is not only unethical; it is a war crime. Yet, Almhaissen chose to place all the blame on Israel. How can a diplomat who claims to care about civilians not condemn such a tactic?

The ambassador is likely also grateful that the host did not bring up the dreadful treatment of LGBTQ+ people in Gaza. For many years, they have been subjected to persecution and violence. How can she speak of justice and freedom without highlighting the harsh reality for these people under Hamas’ rule? By not condemning these abuses, she shows that her talk of human rights only applies to certain groups.

Almhaissen’s appearance was a clear example of how avoiding uncomfortable truths can worsen an already complex conflict. By refusing to condemn Hamas’ terror, ignoring antisemitism, downplaying the oppression of LGBTQ+ people, and turning a blind eye to the use of human shields, she showed that her talk of human rights is selective. If she truly wants to promote peace and justice, she must start speaking plainly and distancing herself from all forms of extremism and hate. Regardless of whom she believes is responsible for the situation in Gaza, she should at least be able to say that it is unacceptable for Jews in Sweden to be threatened because of it. That would have been at least decent.

David Lega
Senior Adviser for European Jewish Association

Read the full piece here:

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אירוע אנטישמי בקרואטיה: תלמידים מבית ספר יהודי בצרפת שיצאו למחנה קיץ במלון בעיירה טרילז’ שבקרואטיה, הלכו לישון ביום שני בלילה ונדהמו לגלות כשקמו למחרת בבוקר צלב קרס ענק בצבע אדום שרוסס על כיכר גדולה שנשקפת מחלונות חדריהם.

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יו”ר איגוד הארגונים היהודים באירופה, הרב מנחם מרגולין, הגיב לאירוע ואמר: “הילדים התעוררו וראו צלב קרס אדום ענק, סמל הכאב והרצח ליהודים בכל מקום, שאומר בבירור – אתם לא רצויים כאן. זה הצלב הבוער, הלולאה סביב העץ ליהודים. החופשה הזאת עבור הילדים האלה תהיה עכשיו חופשה בלתי נשכחת, מהסיבות הלא נכונות. אף על פי שאני בטוח שדעותיהם של האחראים לציור צלב קרס ענקי אינן מייצגות את הרוב המכריע של הקרואטים, תקיפה זו מסמלת עדיין כאב עמוק ליהודים בכל מקום”.

“המלחמה באנטישמיות באירופה עדיין בעיצומה. ההתקפה הזו היא תזכורת לכך שלעולם לא נוכל להרשות לעצמנו להיות שאננים ולאפשר לנגיף האנטישמיות להתפשט ללא בקרה”, הוסיף.

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