CALL TO ACTION! No to the sale of Nazi memorabilia!❗️❗️❗️

October 28, 2022

Munich’s Hermann Historica International Auctions house is selling over 700 items linked to the Nazis including personal items of Hitler and other nazi figures, who murdered 6 million Jews alone.

It’s wrong to make money off these blood soaked items, especially in Germany of all places! Please share our poster on Facebook, and if any of you are near Munich we invite you to protest directly at Bretonischer Ring 3 Munich, Germany.

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Auktion mit Hitlers Golduhr – scharfe Kritik jüdischer Vertreter

Toilettenpapier, ein Halsband, eine Uhr – eine Auktion will Hinterlassenschaften aus dem Umfeld Adolf Hitlers versteigern. Der jüdische Verband EJA ist empört.

In den USA hat am Donnerstagmorgen eine umstrittene Versteigerung von Hinterlassenschaften führender NS-Figuren begonnen. Der jüdische Dachverband European Jewish Association (EJA) kritisierte die Auktion im Vorfeld scharf und forderte ihre Absage. “Der Verkauf dieser Gegenstände ist abscheulich”, erklärte der EJA-Vorsitzende Rabbi Menachem Margolin am Donnerstag in einem offenen Brief an die Veranstalter der Auktion im US-Bundesstaat Maryland.

Unter anderem wird eine Golduhr versteigert, die NS-Diktator Adolf Hitler gehört haben soll. Laut Schätzung des Auktionshauses Alexander Historical Auctions rechnet man mit einem Verkaufspreis zwischen zwei und vier Millionen US-Dollar. Kurz nach Start der Auktion am Donnerstagmorgen ging bereits das erste Gebot über eine Million Euro ein.

Weitere Nazi-Hinterlassenschaften der Auktion sind laut EJA eine Bonbonschale des Diktators, ein Terrier-Halsband seiner Partnerin Eva Braun und Toilettenpapier der Wehrmacht.

EJA übt scharfe Kritik

Nazi-Hinterlassenschaften gehörten gegebenenfalls in Museen, aber sicher nicht unter den Hammer, betonte EJA-Vorsitzender Margolin. Die nun zur Versteigerung stehenden Gegenstände aus dem Besitz des “Völkermörders” Hitler trügen in keiner Weise dazu bei, aus den Gräueln der Nazizeit zu lernen, unterstrich er unter Verweis auf die geschätzten sechs Millionen jüdischen Todesopfer der Nazi-Zeit.

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Taking Action Following the Murder of Yeshiva Student, Dvir Sorek (ת.נ.צ.ב.ה)

A day after Dvir funeral EJA chairman, Rabbi Margolin had sent letters to High Representative Mogherini, H.E. Mr. David Maria Sassoli MEP, H.E. Mr. Donald Franciszek Tusk and Mr. David James McAllister MEP, urging them to condemn the glorification of violence and radicalisation by the Palestinian Authority, and make clear that incitement will not be tolerated by the EU, in order to ensure that the murderer of the 19-year-old Dvir Sorek does not receive such payments/stipends.


Lighting Chanukah candles with the Estonian PM

Rabbi Menachem Margolin:

“The story of Chanukah teaches us that the Jewish people did not win the battle because they were the stronger, but because G-d saw that they were fighting for their beliefs with all their heart.

G-d created the world and everything in it. He also created the different conflicts in it.

Therefore what we should take from this fact is that if conflict or challenges are given to us in order to test us or to strengthen our resolve.

We are therefore wiser if we recognise that we should not run away from challemges but fight them and win, and in doing so we can look for more and more miracles like the one that happened at this time of Chanukah.

Dear Prime Minister, in our days, where we are experiencing a lot of racism, anti-Semitism and hatred we should not be frightened by these challenges either. Because if we will all fight it constantly, eventually our way will win.

Chag Shameach”

EJA Press release on European Court of Justice ruling on Kosher slaughter

“Bogus animal welfare claims are being used to penalise a practice that puts care and respect for animals at its very core”,
“This ruling gives the green light for other countries to follow suit, and if they do, there will be no Kosher meat available in Europe”, says Rabbi Menachem Margolin, Chairman of the European Jewish Association.
(Brussels 17 December 2020) The European court of Justice today delivered a potentially devastating ruling on an issue that has plagued European Jewry for years, the right to slaughter animals in the Kosher tradition, a millennia old practice that puts animal welfare and minimizing animal suffering at its very core.
Rabbi Menachem Margolin, Chairman of the EJA today said his organisaton will explore every avenue and recourse available to protect the rights of Jews everywhere in Europe,
“This is a sad day for European Jewry. For decades now, as animal rights have come into vogue, Kosher slaughter has come under relentless attack, and subject to repeated attempts to ban it. The entire basis of the attacks are built on the entirely bogus premise that Kosher slaughter is more cruel than regular slaughtering, despite there being not a shred of evidence backing this up, and worse completely ignoring the fact that Kosher slaughter puts the welfare of the animal and minimising its suffering as of paramount importance. This is not a glib staement, but a commandment that all Jews must adhere to.
“What today’s ruling does is put animal welfare above the fundamental right of Freedom of Religion. Simply put, Beast takes preference over man.
Potentially devasting too, it gives other European countries like Belgium – who similarly regard this fundamental Charter freedom as ‘negotiable – the green light to follow suit. If every european country does it means only one thing: there will be no Kosher meat available in Europe anymore.
“What a terrible message to send to European Jewry, that you and your practices are not welcome here. This is a basic denial of our rights as European citizens. We cannot let it stand and will pursue every recourse and avenue to ensure that it doesnt.”
The European Court of Justice has ruled on a Belgian case, involving Flanders and Wallonia laws, that require pre-stunning of animals before slaughter. In short, the Court says that individual Member State moves to ban kosher slaughter by making stunning a pre-requisite, do not in themselves violate the Freedom of Religion rights contained within the EU charter of Fundamental Rights.
The ruling runs contrary to an opinion given in early September 2020 by the European Court Advocate General who suggested the oppositea.

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