Breaking: A must read report from UN Watch on Hamas-UNWRA Co-operation!

January 8, 2025

Breaking: A must read report from UN Watch on Hamas-UNWRA Co-operation!

Congratulations to UN Watch for this thorough and detailed report on the close links and co-operation between UNWRA and terrorist organisations, including Hamas.

If ever proof were needed that UNWRA – a UN agency let’s not forget – is infiltrated at every level with terrorists and their supporters, then this report answers it.

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French Jews call for action after antisemitic rape of 12-year-old girl

French police stand guard as a forensics member collects evidence after officers shot dead an armed man earlier who set fire to the city’s synagogue in Rouen, France, May 17, 2024.
French President Emmanuel Macron  called on Education Minister Nicole Belloubet “to organize a discussion in all schools on the fight against antisemitism and racism, to prevent hate speech with serious consequences from infiltrating schools.”

Belloubet said on social media that the crime against the victim was abominable, and the response to such “barbarism” was “Justice, School, Republic.”

French Jewish groups expressed outrage on Tuesday following reports that a 12-year-old girl was raped because she was Jewish.

Collectif Nous Vivrons, an activist group, called for protests on Wednesday in response to a Le Parisien report that boys aged 12, 13, and 14 were arrested for beating and gang-raping the victim last Saturday because she had concealed her religion from her ex-boyfriend, one of the suspects.

“Why aren’t you already on the street?” asked the activist group. “Because you have become accustomed to antisemitic crimes! When will you wake up?”

French President Emmanuel Macron speaks during a press conference about the priorities of his Renaissance party and its allies ahead of the early legislative elections in Paris, France, June 12, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/STEPHANE MAHE)

French Chief Rabbi Haim Korsia blamed radical-left parties for the rise in antisemitism in the country in a statement from the Conference of European Rabbis on Wednesday. He lambasted the Left for denying the atrocities of October 7, adding that “instead of calming the situation on the streets, it incites antisemitism, which leads to cases like the current rape affair.”

Uptick in antisemitism in france

“This shocking case joins a long line of violent cases experienced by French Jews in recent months. We are witnessing an alarming increase in the rate of manifestations of antisemitism throughout France. If, in a normal year, we were used to seeing about 400 cases of violence against Jews, in just the three months after October, we witnessed almost 1,600 cases,” said Korsia. “Jews are persecuted, raped, beaten, ostracized, and marked. We are no longer just fighting for the legitimacy of the State of Israel to protect its security; we are fighting for the protection of Jews around the world.”

The Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (CRIF) on Wednesday urged authorities to shed more light on the circumstances and antisemitic motivation. The European Jewish Congress echoed the calls for more information and said that their “thoughts are with the victim and her family.”

The Union of Jewish Students in France also offered support and said on X that “hatred of Israel leads to unsustainable antisemitic violence. Those who deny it are accountable for it.”

According to Le Parisien, investigators found antisemitic comments and a picture of a burning Israeli flag on the ex-boyfriend’s cell phone. A second minor allegedly told police that he beat the girl because she made negative remarks about “Palestine.”

Fondation des Femmes said on social media on Wednesday that the sexist and antisemitic crime shook the women’s rights organization.

“Rape is a tool of destruction in the service of hatred, and when children rape children, it is society as a whole that must ask itself the question of its responsibility in the face of violence, antisemitism, and misogyny at home,” said the foundation.

נשיאת הפרלמנט האירופי: "מזעזע שבתי כנסת באירופה מאובטחים כמו מבצר"

נשיאת הפרלמנט האירופי, רוברטה מצולה קיבלה הערב (יום חמישי) אות כבוד מטעם איגוד הארגונים של יהודי אירופה (EJA) בשל פעילות “יוצאת דופן” למען הקהילות היהודיות ביבשת. מצולה, שדיברה במהלך הטקס, הודתה כי “אנחנו לא עושים מספיק כדי להילחם באנטישמיות”. היא קראה לשמר את אורחות החיים של היהודים באירופה – כמו למשל שחיטה כשרה – והוסיפה כי היא “מזועזעת לראות כיצד בתי כנסת באירופה מאובטחים כמו מבצר”.

בשבוע שבו מציינים 84 שנים לליל הבדולח, ביקרה מצולה גם במחנה ההשמדה באושוויץ. “זו חובתי ואחריותי להגן על יהודי אירופה מפני אנטישמיות”, אמרה שם. “עלינו להילחם בתעמולה האנטישמית שמשתוללת במדינות אירופה. על מנת לנצח במשימה, אנו זקוקים ליותר מרק אסטרטגיה – אלא לנקיטת יוזמה ופעולה. לא נשכח ולא ניתן לזה לקרות שוב”.

מלבד מצולה הגיעו לכנס המנהיגים השנתי למאבק באנטישמיות של ה-EJA גם נציב האיחוד האירופי אוליבר ורהלי, מזכירת הפרלמנט הצרפתי קרולין ז’נביר, נשיאת הפרלמנט הצ’כי מרקטה פקרובה, ראש ממשלת מונטנגרו דריטן אברזוביץ’, נשיא הקונגרס היהודי האירו- אסייתי אלכסנדר משקביץ, שגריר ישראל למוסדות האיחוד האירופי חיים רגב, שרים ממדינות אירופה ועשרות פרלמנטרים בכירים מרחבי היבשת.

נציב האיחוד האירופי אוליבר ורהלי, שאחראי על היחסים עם המדינות הגובלות באיחוד, הדגיש כי זו חובתו לבוא לאושוויץ. “אני באמת חושש שמה שקרה כאן יכול לקרות שוב”, אמר. “הדרך הטובה ביותר להילחם באנטישמיות היא לקדם חיים יהודיים ברחבי אירופה. לא מספיק להגיד לעולם לא שוב, אנחנו חייבים לעשות משהו. המסר שלי לאירופים: יש רק ניצחון אחד על המוות והוא החיים”.

A delegation from the European Jewish Association met with newly appointed Prime Minister Dritan Abazović and Minister of Justice Marko Marko Kovač

Podgorica, Montenegro.

This morning (17 May), a delegation from the European Jewish Association met with newly appointed Prime Minister Dritan Abazović and Minister of Justice Marko Marko Kovač and representatives of the Prime Minister’s office including his Foreign Policy Adviser Mr Dorde Radulovic.

The EJA Delegation headed by Chairman Rabbi Menachem Margolin, was organised by Chief Rabbi of Montenegro Ari Edelkopf, and included Mrs Ellen Van Praag, Chair of IPOR, Netherlands, Riccardo Pacifici, Senior Board Member of the EJA respresenting the Jewish Community of Rome, and Alex Benjamin, Director of the EJA.

The delegation came to congratulate the Prime Minister on his new government, extend invitations to collaborate and co-operate, and to underline how important Montenegro is to Jewish people across Europe for its support and development of a growing Jewish Community. Montenegro, whilst small in size, is a David when it comes to creating a society where freedom of Religion is not only encouraged, but actively supported. For the EJA Montenegro represents an exemplar for other European countries to emulate and aspire to.

The delegation also witnessed the official handing over of government documents to Chief Rabbi Edelkopf from the Minister of Justice of Montenegro formally recognising the Jewish Community of Montenegro.

Israele: in Italia e Ungheria, la miglior qualità di vita per gli ebrei europei

Il quotidiano Israeliano The Jerusaleme Post, ci ha fatto sapere che fra tutti i paesi dell’Unione Europea, Italia e Ungheria offrono agli Ebrei una qualità di vita migliore, mentre Polonia, Belgio e Francia sono in fondo alla lista.

I dati raccolti provengono dall’Istituto di Ricerca Politica di Londra, che sono stati resi noti nella giornata di ieri a Budapest, alla conferenza annuale dell’Associazione degli ebrei di Europa. Si tratta di uno studio durato due anni di Daniel Statsky.

Questi studi prendono in considerazione, fattori antropologici e sociali come: la lotta all’antisemitismo, la sicurezza della comunità ebraica locale, la libertà di culto, lo sviluppo della cultura ebraica, il ricordo della Shoah e l’adozione della definizione di antisemitismo dell’Ihra (l’Alleanza internazionale sul ricordo dell’Olocausto), nonché l’impostazione del voto di ciascun Paese nelle mozioni ONU su Israele (Fonte:

Israele: in Italia e Ungheria, la miglior qualità di vita per gli ebrei europei

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