Communication of the Conseil de l’Ordre regarding an Increase of Antisemitic Incidents

June 10, 2024

Communication of the Conseil de l’Ordre Re: Increase of Antisemitic Incidents

On Tuesday 4 June, the Conseil de l’Ordre received a delegation of lawyers who came to denounce the upsurge in anti-Semitic incidents in Brussels.of anti-Semitic incidents in Brussels and elsewhere in the country.Physical assaults on Jews, anti-Semitic rhetoric on the streets, on television and in the comments of citizens and politicians, and a growing number of anti-Semitic incidents.of citizens and elected representatives, and the organisation of conferences under heavy police protection. The Jewsof Europe are once again living in fear.The Conseil de l’Ordre hereby solemnly affirms its full support for the Jewish community, and in particular for all our colleagues and colleagues in the Jewish community.and in particular to all our colleagues whose identity has been affected.We call for the defence of the principles and values on which our profession is founded, which allow forrespect for the plurality of ideas and guarantee contradictory debate. We will firmly opposeour institutions being transformed into a place of pugilism, a receptacle for the emotions and violence thatour society.Let us remember that in the darkest hours of our history, under the impetus of the Bâtonniers LéonThéodor and Louis Braffort, the Brussels Bar was a resounding pillar of our democracy.democracy.Let us remain proud and worthy of this commitment.

The Council of the Bar,

Emmanuel Plasschaert, President of the Bar, Marie Dupont, Deputy President of the Bar, Xavier Dieux, Marianne Warnant, Xavier
Carrette, Sébastien Champagne, Stéphanie Davidson, Damien Holzapfel, Anne-Sophie Loppe, Caroline Pepin,
Fabrice Hambersin, François Collon Windelinckx, Pierre Huybrechts, Augustin Daoût, Pierre-Yves Thoumsin,
David Ramet and Jérôme Henri.

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Auktion mit Hitlers Golduhr – scharfe Kritik jüdischer Vertreter

Toilettenpapier, ein Halsband, eine Uhr – eine Auktion will Hinterlassenschaften aus dem Umfeld Adolf Hitlers versteigern. Der jüdische Verband EJA ist empört.

In den USA hat am Donnerstagmorgen eine umstrittene Versteigerung von Hinterlassenschaften führender NS-Figuren begonnen. Der jüdische Dachverband European Jewish Association (EJA) kritisierte die Auktion im Vorfeld scharf und forderte ihre Absage. “Der Verkauf dieser Gegenstände ist abscheulich”, erklärte der EJA-Vorsitzende Rabbi Menachem Margolin am Donnerstag in einem offenen Brief an die Veranstalter der Auktion im US-Bundesstaat Maryland.

Unter anderem wird eine Golduhr versteigert, die NS-Diktator Adolf Hitler gehört haben soll. Laut Schätzung des Auktionshauses Alexander Historical Auctions rechnet man mit einem Verkaufspreis zwischen zwei und vier Millionen US-Dollar. Kurz nach Start der Auktion am Donnerstagmorgen ging bereits das erste Gebot über eine Million Euro ein.

Weitere Nazi-Hinterlassenschaften der Auktion sind laut EJA eine Bonbonschale des Diktators, ein Terrier-Halsband seiner Partnerin Eva Braun und Toilettenpapier der Wehrmacht.

EJA übt scharfe Kritik

Nazi-Hinterlassenschaften gehörten gegebenenfalls in Museen, aber sicher nicht unter den Hammer, betonte EJA-Vorsitzender Margolin. Die nun zur Versteigerung stehenden Gegenstände aus dem Besitz des “Völkermörders” Hitler trügen in keiner Weise dazu bei, aus den Gräueln der Nazizeit zu lernen, unterstrich er unter Verweis auf die geschätzten sechs Millionen jüdischen Todesopfer der Nazi-Zeit.

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Respuestas inesperadas sobre los mejores países europeos para los judíos – Estudio

(JTA) — El sentimiento antisemita prevalece especialmente en Italia y Hungría, según múltiples encuestas. Pero un índice único en su tipo que combina diferentes medidas de la experiencia judía encontró que también son los mejores países europeos para que vivan los judíos.


El índice, presentado el lunes, se basa en un estudio que combina datos de encuestas e información de políticas para crear una métrica única de calidad de vida para los judíos en los 12 países de la Unión Europea con comunidades judías considerables, según Daniel Staetsky, estadístico de la Institute for Jewish Policy Research, con sede en Londres, que escribió el informe para la Asociación Judía Europea en Bruselas.


Detectives investigate Nazi salutes at the Dachau concentration camp

Local police in Bavaria, Germany, say two men allegedly filmed themselves in Dachau giving the Nazi salute in front of Jourhaus, the entrance to the concentration camp. While there were allegedly three visitors with them, it was two who gave the salute.
The alleged perpetrators recorded themselves displaying the offensive sign. a witness also apparently recorded the event. The perpetrators said they were drunk, and they gave the salute “as a joke.”
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Ambassadors are Like Rabbis: Reflections from Our Advisory Board Member Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs

Every Day during the Corona crisis our Advisory Board Member Chief Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs (NL) writes a diary, on request of the Jewish Cultural Quarter in Amsterdam,  which is published on the website of the NIW, the only Jewish Dutch Magazine. Rabbi Jacobs is the head of Inter Governmental Relationships at the Rabbinical Centre of Europe. We will be regularly publishing a selection of his informative, sometimes light hearted, but always wise pieces.
For our Dutch readers you can follow the diary every day at NIW home page: and then: scroll down.
Ambassadors are like Rabbis…
Today was all about abroad. The Ambassador of Hungary had invited me to lunch at his embassy. We have known each other for a few years, meet from time to time and so again today. Reason for the visit? No. Just catching up again about kosher slaughter, which was threatening to become a problem in Poland and the relationship between Hungary and Israel.
Because it would not be exactly easy to arrange a kosher meal at the Hungarian embassy, ​we (my wife and I) invited him to lunch with us.
So,the ambassador came to Amersfoort and we not to The Hague. Not wanting to come empty-handed, he brought a huge bouquet of flowers and a bottle of kosher wine.
How did he get that wine? The ambassador called his friend Naor (the ambassador of Israel) and he arranged for a bottle of kosher Israeli wine from the IPC – the Israel Products Center – in Nijkerk to be delivered to the Hungarian embassy that morning. And because the Ambassador of Hungary did not know about the existence of the IPC, which is ten minutes from my house, I took him there after lunch. Of course I made sure that in addition to the tour and explanation about the objective of IPC and Christians for Israel, he also received a pack of cookies. Because: tomorrow the ambassador of Israel will visit the Hungarian ambassador and then it seemed nice that I then pay back the bottle of wine via a roll of kosher Israeli biscuits.
Apart from that, I gave the ambassador a mask with “I love Israel” on it, so that the Hungarian ambassador can wear it when the Israeli ambassador comes to make his appearance.
Networking is something like that. Usually it does not deliver on the spot, but is important nonetheless. Ambassadors do no different, and are a bit like rabbis, at least my kind of rabbis.
Because I believe that the rabbi is of course primarily there for the Jewish community in its full breadth. But for that Jewish community, contact with outside that community is also of vital importance, because we are part of the wider society: Noah had to leave the Ark by order of Gd!
Apart from the importance for the Jewish community, we also have a duty, in my opinion, to contribute to the well-being of the surrounding society. Yesterday I had a visit from another kind of ambassador, namely Dr. Pieter de Boer, member of the deputy Church and Israel of the CGK-Christelijk Gereformeerde Kerken- and spokesperson of the Interkerkelijke Werkgroep. That Working Group had drawn up a statement of guilt on the attitude of the churches during and shortly after the war. Today, that statement of guilt was officially released.
Although for me such a debt declaration is not really necessary, I was especially touched by the comment about what went wrong after the war. My grandfather and grandmother’s nephews and nieces were not allowed to be raised with my grandfather and grandmother, but were to remain in the Christian homes where they had been in hiding. Of course, those parents had bonded with the kids, saved their lives, but … they really hadn’t given up their murdered parents with the intention of being raised as Christians.
And whilst with the ambassador: a phone call from Ukraine. One of the rabbis was in a conflict with Christians for Israel supporting him with an adoption project. People in the Netherlands adopt a poverty-stricken Jewish family in Ukraine for € 25 per month. In Kirovograd, communication between the Dutch donors and the local rabbi did not go well. And so I get a call from the rabbi and start mediating or solving, as a kind of ambassador of whom I really don’t know, but I am somewhere in between.
After the necessary phone calls, I hope that I have been able to straighten everything out again and that it also runs smoothly in Kirovograd. What is difficult here is that the local rabbi speaks fluent Russian, but no Yiddish, poor English and not optimal Hebrew, and certainly no Dutch! But I believe I’ve been able to tie things together again. In the meantime, I am waiting for the results of an archival investigation to confirm someone’s Jewishness. I feel that it can be checked that way, but not everyone shares my opinion that (almost) everything should be tackled immediately. In principle, I always answer e-mail immediately.
As a result, I sometimes spend late at night behind that stupid computer that has been controlling my whole life!
But Good news! At least in my opinion. Because, of course, it is really not the case that a hundred listeners are more important than ten at a lecture, and the same goes for the number of readers of my diaries, still, I have to admit my weakness in this, I like that my diaries are getting wide read. And so: Good news for me! Coincidentally (although I really believe that coincidence does not exist) the EJA –European Jewish Association- saw one of my diaries, translated it with Google and asked permission to post this diary a few times a week on their website and their Facebook. And thus more readers. My diary is going European!

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