Lighting Chanukah candles with the Estonian PM

December 18, 2017

Rabbi Menachem Margolin:

“The story of Chanukah teaches us that the Jewish people did not win the battle because they were the stronger, but because G-d saw that they were fighting for their beliefs with all their heart.

G-d created the world and everything in it. He also created the different conflicts in it.

Therefore what we should take from this fact is that if conflict or challenges are given to us in order to test us or to strengthen our resolve.

We are therefore wiser if we recognise that we should not run away from challemges but fight them and win, and in doing so we can look for more and more miracles like the one that happened at this time of Chanukah.

Dear Prime Minister, in our days, where we are experiencing a lot of racism, anti-Semitism and hatred we should not be frightened by these challenges either. Because if we will all fight it constantly, eventually our way will win.

Chag Shameach”

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COVID Diary- Reflections from Our Advisory Board Member Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs

Every Day during the Corona crisis our Advisory Board Member Chief Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs (NL) writes a diary, on request of the Jewish Cultural Quarter in Amsterdam, which is published on the website of the NIW, the only Jewish Dutch Magazine. Rabbi Jacobs is the head of Inter Governmental Relationships at the Rabbinical Centre of Europe. We will be regularly publishing a selection of his informative, sometimes light hearted, but always wise pieces.
For our Dutch readers you can follow the diary every day at NIW home page:
Diary 20 Jan. 2021
That such a figure should commemorate my family …….
It is now 23:15 on Wednesday. I just got home. Gave a lecture in Gorinchem. Of course without a visible audience, but in a professional studio and several hundred who were watching at home and many thousands of them are expected to watch the broadcast at a later date. I am used to it by now. If I can immediately speak to visible people again, it will take some getting used to giving a lecture to real listeners.
A lecture with a 15-minute break with tea in the middle. Audience that can just see me in real life and I can look at those present. Now you should know that I used to read from the faces whether I needed to dig deeper into the matter, whether it was time for a parable or a joke to keep people on their toes.
Since I am now starting to realize that we can hardly go outside at the end of this week (good for my health? Not so much.) Today I did my fast walk of one hour instead of the usual 25 minutes.
In the meantime, the condolences keep coming in by e-mail (Chief Rabbi Jacobs recently lost his son – Editor), on facebook (so I was told, because I don’t get on facebook myself) and the phone hardly stops ringing. So many warm and beautiful words.
Also an email advising me to repent. Well-intentioned, but I firmly rejected the proposal without any consideration. Should the author of that lengthy e-mail read this diary, she will hear that I was not charmed by her attempt at conversion, nor did I bother to respond to her e-mail.
Conversion is a loaded topic for us Jews that are still alive. “But”, I hear you think, “you are so good with the Christians for Israel, aren’t you?” Dear people, they do not seek to convert! I know their motives, I know their background, I am aware of their statutes and I am in almost daily contact with them. Together we fight for Israel and against anti-Zionism. To convert? They have many fellow believers who strongly disapprove of their pro-Israel action and point out their flaw that they do not serve as missionaries amongst Jews. But they do try and convert, but of a very different kind. They are trying to convert the churches to change their anti-Israel stance to a pro-Israel approach!
Why am I raising that now? Not because of that dorky letter from that lady, but because the Jewish Agency has stopped working with a Canadian Christian organization called Return Ministries because of a rumour that they are trying to convert people. The president of that organization is a Messianic Jew. And although every person is responsible for himself and is allowed to do what he cannot resist, this is disturbing.
A Messianic Jew who wants to bring Jews to Israel? Who himself has thrown his Judaism overboard? For me a contradiction interminis! And so, I fully understand the Jewish Agency.
And while that lady tries to swindle me away from Judaism, I read today in the authoritative British daily the Guardian that a recent survey shows that many British Jews are afraid to show signs of their religion, such as wearing a kippah or a Star of David in public. Rising anti-Semitism, which is increasingly becoming the “normal”! Let that converting lady spend her time on that and leave me alone. Linking this conversion attempt to the death of our son is unsavoury to say the least.
In the meantime, the sheer number of statements of support resulting from my diary shows that I have built up a wide readership. Apparently, I’m not the only one who knows that.
Because, and now it comes, today I have been approached from four different sides with the request to pay attention in my diary to the choice of the speaker at the annual National Remembrance Day on May 4. The Committee for 4 and 5 May actually chose a figure who has made anti-Semitic remarks on various occasions. The Jewish Telegraph Association (JTA), which is generally well-informed and meticulous, has devoted an entire article to it, and the statements the speaker is said to have made do not lie. I am sure that this week’s NAV will also pay substantial attention to it.
It is incomprehensible that this Abdelkader Benali, who has nothing to do with the 1940s and 45s, will speak at the same commemoration where last year our King Willem Alexander brilliantly expressed exactly what the especially Jewish Netherlands had been waiting for, for so long. What an encouragement that was! And now this figure comes…? I don’t get it, I feel like May 4 is being taken away from me, but I hope I misunderstood everything, that the JTA was misinformed and the various quotes emails that are far from Jew-friendly just on a misunderstanding and were never expressed.
But in the unlikely event that everything is right: That such a figure should commemorate my family … this I just don’t understand.

Joël Mergui: ”Malgré les efforts de l’UE pour lutter contre l’antisémitisme, la situation ne s’améliore pas en Europe.Pire, elle se détériore”

“Alors que les institutions et les hommes politiques européens consacrent des ressources importantes et ne ménagent pas leurs efforts dans la lutte contre l’antisémitisme, la situation ne s’améliore pas en Europe. Pire, elle se détériore”, a déclaré Joël Mergui, président du Consistoire central israélite de France, alors qu’il s’adressait mardi à une conférence de dirigeants juifs organisée à Bruxelles par l’Association juive européenne (EJA).
”Il est temps de regarder la réalité en face. La lutte contre l’antisémitisme ne peut se réduire à l’isolement et à la pénalisation des actes antisémites. Cette pénalisation est bien sûr essentielle. Les auteurs d’actes antisémites ne doivent jamais rester impunis. Mais pour être réellement efficace, la lutte contre l’antisémitisme doit s’attaquer à la racine du problème”, a-t-il ajouté.
Selon M. Mergui, l’Europe doit lancer des initiatives concrètes dans le domaine de l’éducation pour combattre les stéréotypes anti-juifs. ”Elle doit également valoriser l’héritage et la contribution du judaïsme et rappeler sans cesse que la spiritualité juive fait partie intégrante de la culture européenne.”
Ses remarques sont intervenues alors qu’une nouvelle enquête exhaustive sur les préjugés antisémites dans 16 pays européens a été dévoilée avant la conférence. Les résultats de l’enquête semblent plutôt inquiétants.
La Ligue d’action et de protection (AP) – partenaire de l’EJA – a commandé l’enquête avec IPSOS SA, sous la direction du professeur András Kovács de l’Université d’Europe centrale de Vienne-Budapest, en prenant 16 pays européens et en posant des questions directes aux répondants, et en assurant un suivi lorsque cela semblait nécessaire. Les pays interrogés sont l’Autriche, la Belgique, la République tchèque, la France, l’Allemagne, la Grèce, la Hongrie, l’Italie, la Lettonie, les Pays-Bas, la Pologne, la Roumanie, la Slovaquie, l’Espagne, la Suède et le Royaume-Uni.
L’enquête montre que la Grèce, la Pologne et la Hongrie sont les pays européens où les préjugés antisémites sont les plus répandus. Mais malgré un niveau élevé d’attitudes anisémites, ces trois pays sont rarement témoins d’attaques violentes contre les Juifs, alors que les pays qui connaissent des attaques plus fréquentes contre les Juifs, en Europe occidentale, sont souvent ceux qui affichent les taux les plus bas de préjugés antisémites.
Parmi les chiffres inquiétants, citons :
Près d’un tiers des personnes interrogées en Autriche, en Hongrie et en Pologne ont déclaré que les Juifs ne seront jamais en mesure de s’intégrer pleinement dans la société.
Près d’un tiers sont d’accord pour dire qu’il existe un réseau juif secret qui influence les affaires politiques et économiques dans le monde. (Roumanie – 29% ; France – 28% ; République tchèque – 23% ).
En Espagne, 35% des personnes interrogées ont déclaré que les Israéliens se comportent comme des nazis à l’égard des Palestiniens ; 29% ont dit la même chose aux Pays-Bas ; et 26% étaient d’accord avec cette affirmation en Suède.
En Lettonie, un peu plus d’un tiers – 34% – a déclaré que les Juifs exploitent la victimisation de l’Holocauste à leurs propres fins ; 23% étaient d’accord en Allemagne ; et 22% en Belgique.

Un quart de toutes les personnes interrogées sont d’accord avec l’affirmation selon laquelle les politiques d’Israël leur font comprendre pourquoi certaines personnes détestent les Juifs.
“Les Juifs d’Europe doivent proposer des plans d’action spécifiques à leurs gouvernements ainsi qu’au niveau européen”, a déclaré le rabbin Shlomo Koves, fondateur de l’APL et initiateur de l’enquête. “Nous devons prendre notre destin en main si nous voulons que nos petits-enfants puissent vivre en Europe dans 20 à 50 ans”, a-t-il ajouté.
La conférence de Bruxelles, qui durera deux jours, réunira des dizaines de dirigeants, de parlementaires et de diplomates juifs européens de premier plan, dont Margaritis Schinas, vice-présidente de la Commission européenne, ainsi que le président d’Israël Isaac Herzog et le ministre des affaires de la diaspora Nachman Shai, qui s’adresseront à l’assemblée depuis Jérusalem.
La Commission européenne a présenté la semaine dernière la toute première stratégie européenne de lutte contre l’antisémitisme et de promotion de la vie juive.
Face à la montée inquiétante de l’antisémitisme, en Europe et au-delà, la stratégie vise à définir une série de mesures articulées autour de trois piliers : prévenir toutes les formes d’antisémitisme, protéger et encourager la vie juive et promouvoir la recherche, l’éducation et la mémoire de l’Holocauste.
“Alors que nous félicitons les institutions européennes d’avoir augmenté les ressources, l’expertise et les fonds importants pour lutter contre l’antisémitisme, nous sommes actuellement bien en retard dans la lutte contre sa propagation, comme le montrent les résultats inquiétants de l’enquête de nos partenaires. Notre plan pour relancer ce processus implique l’adoption de nos ‘dix commandements’ pour combattre l’antisémitisme, qui seront portés par des groupes de travail parlementaires de toute l’Europe”, a déclaré le leader de l’Association juive européenne, le rabbin Menachem Margolin.
Dans ses remarques, Joel Mergui a déclaré que l’Europe doit également s’engager à préserver la liberté de conscience et de culte. “Elle doit condamner les lois punitives sur les anciennes pratiques religieuses de l’abattage rituel et de la circoncision”, a-t-il dit en référence à l’interdiction en Belgique de la shechita, l’abattage casher juif.
”Ces libertés sont les garants de la pérennité du judaïsme sur le continent. Elles ne sont pas négociables. Les Juifs sont un baromètre de la liberté : s’ils peuvent vivre pleinement leur identité juive, tout le monde le peut aussi”, a déclaré M. Mergui.
”La liberté de religion des juifs est un baromètre de la liberté, si les juifs peuvent vivre pleinement leur identité, tout le monde le peut aussi”, a-t-il conclu.
La France compte la plus grande communauté juive d’Europe.

Polizia italiana premiata per il contrasto agli antisemiti

Si è conclusa con un applauso alla polizia italiana la conferenza della European Jewish Association (Eja) nell’83° anniversario della Notte dei Cristalli. Per ricordare la distruzione di 1.400 sinagoghe in Germania e Austria e l’uccisione di alcune centinaia di ebrei, la Eja ha raccolto decine di responsabili dei ministeri dell’Istruzione d’Europa per fare il punto sul contrasto all’antisemitismo a scuola. Al capo della polizia Lamberto Giannini, la Eja ha tributato il King David Award per l’opera di protezione delle comunità ebraiche. È stato l’ex vicepresidente della comunità ebraica di Roma Riccardo Pacifici a ricordare che «in Italia non c’è una scuola ebraica o una sinagoga che non goda di una protezione costante». Al Giornale, il prefetto Giannini ha ricordato che «l’antisemitismo è un fenomeno al quale prestare la massima attenzione: anche l’emergenza sanitaria ha dato vita a rigurgiti antiebraici sul web».
Cosa succede in rete?

«In molti fanno circolare dichiarazioni di odio che noi perseguiamo come reato, spesso senza neppure rendersi conto della gravità delle loro frasi, magari scritte per fare un commento o per emulazione».

Si tratta solo di privati disattenti?
«No, l’associazione Stormfront (24 condanne nel 2020, ndr) aveva addentellati con il suprematismo americano e si spendeva anche in maniera contraddittoria per il negazionismo da un lato, giustificando dall’altro lo sterminio degli ebrei».
Perché la Eja ha premiato la polizia italiana?
«Perché da noi tutte le forze dell’ordine prestano grande attenzione alla protezione di una comunità colpita nel 1982 (con l’attentato alla sinagoga di Roma, ndr). Oggi esiste un rapporto stretto con le comunità ebraiche, che ci segnalano eventi potenzialmente pericolosi: questo coordinamento la differenza».
Qual è la situazione della sicurezza dopo due anni di pandemia?
«Ci dobbiamo preparare alle riaperture già iniziate con serenità ed equilibrio. Io penso all’Italia come a una molla che è stata compressa e adesso si muove per tornare alla sua estensione: serve fare attenzione. Oggi occorre evitare infiltrazione della criminalità nei fondi che stanno arrivando. Sul fronte manifestazioni cerchiamo di contemperare il diritto a manifestare con il dovere di farlo in maniera pacifica. I fatti internazionali ci ricordano poi che esiste un rischio terrorismo: senza dubbio stiamo vivendo un periodo che non ha precedenti».

Motion calling to ban ‘from the river to the sea’ slogan adopted in Dutch parliament

Dutch MP Diederik Van Dijk filed the motion because since the outbreak of the war between Israel and Hamas, “there has been a chilling increase in anti-Semitic incidents in the Netherlands. ””The context of the slogan “from the river to the sea” comes directly from the Hamas charter,” according to the SGP member.

The controversial slogan “from the river to the sea”, which is often heard in pro-Palestinian rallies across Europe and elsewhere,  must be placed in an anti-Semitic context at demonstrations, making it possible to take action against it. A motion calling for a ban of the slogan was adopted in the Dutch House of Representatives. The motion was initiated  by the Dutch Christian Reformed Political party SGP.

“More tools for police to tackle anti-Semitic slogans at demonstrations,” rejoiced SGP MP Diederik Van Dijk after his motion was adopted by a parliamentary majority. “No Hamas ranting in our streets or stations.” His motion was suppoirted by several parties.

Van Dijk filed the motion because since the outbreak of the war between Israel and Hamas, “there has been a chilling increase in anti-Semitic incidents in the Netherlands. The context of the slogan “from the river to the sea” comes directly from the Hamas charter, according to the SGP member.

The slogan calls for exepelling the Jews from Israel, the annihilation of the state of Israel and for the extermination of all Jews worldwide.

The SGP MP sees little action being taken against the controversial phrase to date. He asked the outgoing cabinet (there is no government in Netherlands yet)  to follow the example of Germany and Austria to place the chanting of the slogan at demonstrations in anti-Semitic context and to include it in the so-called action perspective, so that police and prosecutors can actually take action.

By Yossi Lempkowicz

Motion calling to ban ‘from the river to the sea’ slogan adopted in Dutch parliament

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